As you know, because I mentioned this in my blog previously, I sent all my photos and negatives in to be digitized. These come from the first batch that was returned in my digitizing project. The first batch returned consisted of negatives only and it was a great success on one level. On another it was a failure — many of these negatives are damaged irreparably and I am crushed. But many more were saved. And the ones that weren’t I still have the digitized version and about half of those can be saved if I am moved to pay someone using Photoshop.
As a result, I have added a lot of new pictures to Flickr today — nearly two dozen. Some of these are meaningful to almost nobody but me. I’ve found some amazing stuff. I’ve got pictures I didn’t remember: lots of them. I have pictures of my friends when they were kids, but I won’t post those here yet. I’ve found vacation pictures — including my trips to the 1996 Olympics, 1994 Paris, and others — that I thought were lost forever. I found pictures of people I’d long since forgotten but suddenly remember like yesterday. There were over 1,000 negatives I’ve gone through so far, some involving seminal moments in my life.
I’ve realized something and it’s too late to fix it. Most of the pictures of my friends don’t include me. The pictures of me don’t include my friends because they were taking them. What a fucking idiot I was. I’d give anything to have the immortal “Wabbit Trip”* with all of us in one shot. I’ve found photos of friends who are now dead. I’ve found photos of people I miss terribly. I’ve found photos that I could use as ransom. It was really, really interesting to experience.
If you’re part of my life now (or were) and have stuff you want to see, I’ll take requests. I’ll also provide the original files (4 to 10MB per file) if you want. Take a look if you’re interested.
2 June 2007: I have added more pictures.
*I will not explain this to anyone. Ever.