Today marks a special day in my blog. We have recorded not long ago our 200,000th hit. And to be clear, my personal hits are specifically excluded by the tracking software 🙂
I want to thank my loyal readers, though few in number, a lot of those are your repeated hits reading my entries. I want to thank Google for sending so many people here. There are no SEO techniques used here. Everything is organic, so if someone comes here it’s honestly. No padding, screwing with keywords, and so forth. Top topics remain the same as in previous posts, so I’ll skip them.
A special shout out today to Jace, just because. Adrian for putting up with me Sunday because I was very, very unhappy. And a lot of crickets chirping for the rest of you lot.
I hurt like hell, and I’m tired of this mess. I have made contact with an attorney and am preparing documentation. I have nearly 60 pages so far, and must write the narrative to go with it. Blech.
I had the cleaning service in today because I wasn’t up to it and Mom is coming in next week.