First up, an update on the Nucor saga. Next week our State Representative is coming to have meeting with me at our office to see what we’re about, why our industry is upset, and then to decide how involved he may get. I’m working on a presentation — I’m missing that laptop right now, let me tell you. I’m leaving the date/time a secret until after the fact. I will report what I am allowed. Yay!
Second, this cool video is by way of Dan Haun. He posted it over on Facebook, not even knowing this is one of my favourite songs. This rendition is very unlike the original, but I like it. A lot.
I encourage you to take a watch. You can read about the song here. The original version is here until the studio has it pulled. (And don’t panic. There’s no message intended here other than I like the song.)

I will be picking up a copy of Playboy this coming month. Everyone’s favourite yellow-skinned hottie is going to be on the cover. Yes, Marge Simpson will be in the current issue of Playboy. And I absolutely promise you, I am going to read the article. Really. Will I look at the other pages? I’ll take the fifth 🙂 The full news story is here courtesy of the AP.
Good luck the people injured at a Saint Louis Blues NHL game when the escalator was possessed by the devil and ate them. The AP story is here. I had to post this only because one doesn’t read about escalator malfunctions very often which result in 13 injuries. Yes, hockey season has begun, and our home opener is tomorrow night.
Barack Obama, the president, won the Nobel Peace Prize today. Shocking really. I am an Obama supporter, fading, but still a supporter. The Peace Prize really ought to be awarded to someone who has done something for peace and he hasn’t. Period. End of sentence. On the other hand, I get the fact that by simply replacing George “Moron” Bush as president, he’s probably done more for peace than anyone else in the past eight years. He has changed the world view of our country back to what it was. Either way, kudos to Obama for donating his winnings to charity, and, sir, I do hope you actually do something worthy of this honour.
I have ordered a very awesome hoodie. I don’t even wear hoodies, but it was so cool, I’ve always wanted one, and now they’re finally for sale. I will post a picture of me wearing it when it arrives. Late next week I suppose. My Beatles boxed set has yet to arrive and I am anxious to have it.
Today was an important doctor’s visit. Details available privately.