
First, a repeat of something from some time ago. If you’re a Mac user and running OS-X you may find the random need to run an OS-9 application. If you’re running Intel architecture instead of PPC architecture that is, technically, not possible (or PPC with an OS greater than 10.4). However, it can be done . Even on my eight-core machine, it’s pretty slow. But if you have an old application, you just have to run, this is the way. It’s the only way I’ve found to get my Claris Resolve documents converted. I have to run it, open them, and save them as Excel 1995 format, then load Excel and convert them into a modern Excel. But it works. (If you have WordPerfect Mac, please note that NeoOffice will open the documents with most formatting intact. OpenOffice, however, doesn’t work so well.) Conveniently, if you want to double platform jump, AppleWorks — the old version before it was named ClarisWorks and then changed back to AppleWorks — will read AppleWorks GS, then you can save it in a more modern, readable format. See this URL for downloads and such.

I want to give a special shout out to my friend Tim who is a pretty cool guy. I’m glad I know him. As soon as I figure out why, I’ll let you know 🙂 

Special thanks to John for turning me on to the Pogues. I am listening to their Very Best Of album right now and will soon move on to the individual albums he suggested. I found them quite by accident on Sirius when I heard the Sunday morning Celtic Rock show. There was a song called Dirty Old Town which I fell in love with. John has way better taste in music than me — except he thinks Lamb of God is better than Limp Bizkit. That’s some horrific character flaw he’s got in spite of the fact we both agree neither one is worth a pile of hot shit on a cold day in the arctic circle.

I ate dinner at Chik-Fil-A because I had nobody to eat with tonight. At least it was free courtesy of a coupon I had, so that was nice. Free food tastes better than food your pay for.

So we have new insurance (AvMed) at work. I have encountered my first difficulty. They have declined my prescription and wish to speak to my doctor. Now, on the plus side I actually got a live human on a weekend. On the minus side, they could do nothing. This means, of course, I will once again file a formal complaint with the state’s insurance commissioner asking why they continue to allow an insurance company clerk to override a licensed medical doctor. I will say the nice lady on the phone promised to call me Tuesday to see what she could do to speed up the three-week process. I am not holding my breath and I will call my doctor Tuesday if she doesn’t call with good news.

Mom, have fun in Canada, land of Maple things. Maple, yummmmmm.

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