A Pair of Chuckletrousers and 2038 Random Boogers

This post has nothing to do with that. In fact, I refuse to explain it. Those of you who know, get it. The rest of you don’t. — CMOT TMPV    (That was fun.)

Right. Let’s start with an e-bay item which is a true rare piece of history. Yes, that’s an original Apple I computer. The original kind, hand built by Steve and Steve (Woz and Jobs) and it’s entirely authenticated. I won’t bid nor will any of my readers. But you should go look at it. This one doesn’t come with the cool wooden case but it’s still cool.

This picture was sent to me by a friend. It’s entitled “How Pumpkin Pies Are Made”

This article is another rant about the accuracy over at Fox News. You may be interested to read how intentionally fast and loose they are with the facts. I was going to make a cheap Alan Price joke as a follow up, but that would be redundant.

I want to remind my friends that my mobile phone is not the best way to contact me when I’m in town. Call me at work or at home. I’ve been known to go days without turning it on. That leads me to remind you all, I still have that ticket from yesterday: I offered Mom the use of 25,000 US Air miles because they’re expiring very soon but I can’t get her a good flight on the days she wants to travel. If she can’t use — we’re still trying — them and any of my friends want a free ticket, I’ll gladly book you a flight. I hate for them to go to waste. If you’re interested email me with dates and city pair and I’ll see if anything is open.

Tomorrow, I have to go to Best Buy and do some Xmas shopping for a few people. I have this long standing policy of being done all holiday shopping prior to Black Friday and I am failing miserably.

Hockey resumes Monday and I am excited. I have Monday, Wednesday, and Friday hockey games. I also have way too much spare time this long weekend which I am looking to fill up. Work was way too boring today.

Lastly, an interesting document from Tfl will amuse you subway fans. The Tube (London’s Underground) is very busy. The busiest station is Victoria which handles 78 million entries/exits per year. That’s an astounding number and is more than the annual ridership in many cities. Waterloo follows at 77 million, and King’s Cross is behind it at around 69 million. Liverpool and London Bridge both clock in at over 60 million. Between those five stops, that’s 350 million. All told the Tube carried almost two billion last year. Boston’s T carries 1.3 million a day, Chicago 650k per day, New York 5 million per day, or Miami with 60,000 per day. Yeah, Miami carries 21 million trips a year and London has single stations that beat it. A sad state of affairs, isn’t it?

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