Tag: Air Conditioner

A Compendium of Dreck and Pat Robertson (oh, wait, that’s redundant)

A collections of links will comprise the bulk of today’s post. All sorts of items of interest (or things that I feel might be interesting.) First, and foremost, we must discuss the horrible situation in Haiti. Interstate is, like we did after Katrina, taking employee contributions and matching them for the American Red Cross and/or […]

Another Day Poorer

As I said yesterday, my air conditioner was about to die. I came home to a very hot house, so it was lucky today was the scheduled day. It took two guys 3-1/2 hours to replace the compressor and evaporator coil unit. I am keeping my old thermostat because it’s expensive and awesome. This unit […]

Stupid-ass phpBB 3.0.6

So today I upgraded PHMB to phpBB 3.0.6 from version 3.0.5 which was a simple process. What I didn’t realize is that it makes some significant changes that prevent roll-back to 3.0.5 and also prevent most of the new features from working. It also prevents anyone from registering. I’m miffed to say the very least. […]

Good News and Bad News

I came home to a broken AC and my house is damned near 80 degrees and it’s been raining for hours. I hate to think how hot it was before that. While I have a service contract, I’m paying another company to come fix it since the company that has my contract is closed. I […]

More Tidbits. Everyone loves a tidbit.

I went to the Chiropractor today. My shoulder feels noticeably better right now, but overall, it will return to crap in a few hours. I hate that. The pain has slowly been moving further towards the top. My AC at home is still not behaving properly and it’s got me pissed off. I’ll revisit this […]

“I Am David” — The Best Movie You’ve Never Heard Of

So, today, Xelor returned to replace my entire air-conditioning duct system. Fie I say, FIE! They started around 830 or so and finished near to noon. When they showed me the crap growing in and on the old duct-work I was pretty glad it ended up being replaced. A brief scare when one of workers […]

All Sorts of Tidbits

Yesterday my roofers met me at my house after I complained about a leak in my new roof that they have fixed 5 times. I said perhaps they should send a small guy up in the attic to see where the problem really is. They met me, and stuck their head in the attic, insisting […]

A Lizard in the Works

Yeah, the title is a tip-o-the-hat to “Spanner in the Works” but it’s also just what happened. I’ve been crabby all day because I barely slept a wink last night after a short night the previous night. I’m sore, tired, and miserable. So what’s the story? Ah, yes, glad you asked. Last night, around 9ish, […]