Tag: China

Today’s Collection Of Commentary and Foodstuffs

I am tired. Really tired. First, this awesome article on The Beatles and what today’s kids think of them, from a reporter with the London Times. I can’t remember which friend provided this, but I like it. Yeah, the Beatles are cool generation after generation. Second, this video is from Jose’s Facebook page: (Link gone […]

Randomness Part Trois

Let’s see where to begin. Today, at work, I upgraded from Outlook Express to Outlook. I can’t say I’m happy. There are so many little things with Outlook that bug me. The two biggest issues being the address book (Contacts) aren’t working properly and I can’t figure it out, nor can any of the so-called […]

Baiji Dolphin Extinct Thanks to Chinese Government

A sad story, a species of Dolphin was declared extinct today. The AP reports that China’s rapid and unchecked growth coupled with the consequential destruction of the Yangtze River has resulted in the population of the Baiji Dolphin vanishing, making it functionally extinct. This is the first mammal to be declared extinct in over 40 […]

Today’s Weather in Guangzhou is Brown with scattered muggings

In a previous blog entry on 10-12 about Guangzhou (aka Canton) “This is Greg’s big meeting and it’s a disaster. His vendor and the agent are lying through their teeth. Their stories change, their body language says anxiety, and they don’t come clean. I pass Greg several notes warning him it’s bad news on most […]

Hong Kong & USA Sunday (End of Trip)

Sunday morning and I’m up with my 6am wake-up call (6pm Saturday back in the States) in Hong Kong after a very short sleep. Nice wakeup call — a real person who asks if you want a ring back in 15 minutes to be sure you’re awake. I like that. Yesterday’s breakfast was so smashing, […]

Hong Kong Saturday

It’s another Saturday night and here I am in Hong Kong after a very long day. It started well with an awesome breakfast which was, this being Hong Kong, insanely overpriced. English style Eggs, Bacon, and Toast with coffee for around US$40. Our first meeting was pretty much pointless for me, but it was Greg’s […]

Macao/Hong Kong

I am now at the Four Seasons Hong Kong. Friday was packed — it’s about 650am Saturday as I finish this post. Woke up early, got out of bed, dragged a comb across my hair* — met the Maks for breakfast. A real buffet at any rate with lots of meat and stuff. Tasty stuff. […]

China — through Wed AM

Let’s see. All about China from my hotel room at the NanYuan Hotel in Ningbo, China about 40 minutes south of Shanghai by air. It’s 805am Wednesday here so it’s 805pm Tuesday there. The flight from MIA to ORD was uneventful. Everything was on-time — something unusual for any flight I am on. The flight […]


This is a retro-post. I put this online 24 December 2005 using the date it was originally sent out. This isn’t the type of film I normally see. But it looked interesting to me, and it’s getting press as one of the best films of the year. It finally opened in Miami this weekend in […]

The Big Puta (my trip to the Far East)

Hello:(Last revised and updated 11-12-05) Well, I’m back and here’s the trip report for Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China brought to you by our sponsor: that nasty bitch Hurricane Wilma. I’m sure I don’t need to tell anyone how much I didn’t want to go on this trip — anyone who knows me heard me […]