Tag: Dolphin

Purple Vans, Purple Vans (Apologies to Prince) + Movie Review, Etc

Paul: My thoughts are with you. I hope it all works out okay.  You all wanted to see the shoes. Some of you whom I saw this weekend saw them in person. The rest will have to see this photo. If you click on the photo, you’ll go the Flickr page which has a bonus […]

Jimmy Buffett, Awkward and Incestuous with a Fortune Cookie Chaser

First, the Head Parrothead (Jimmy Buffett) has just had Dolphin Stadium renamed to Landshark Stadium (I like the name) after his beer, Landshark Beer in exchange for no money. They get personal appearances, etc, by his parrotness. He also re-did his famous song Fins with Dolphin lyrics. Thanks to Razzie for the URL to the […]

Baiji Dolphin Extinct Thanks to Chinese Government

A sad story, a species of Dolphin was declared extinct today. The AP reports that China’s rapid and unchecked growth coupled with the consequential destruction of the Yangtze River has resulted in the population of the Baiji Dolphin vanishing, making it functionally extinct. This is the first mammal to be declared extinct in over 40 […]