Tag: Friendship

Some Special Thanks

I don’t want to mention names, but I want to make sure those of you who I’ve leaned on for support these past few months know how much I appreciate it. It’s not that any one thing is overwhelming but when a whole list of things is added together; that’s how it became the mess […]

The Morning After

I’m up. I tried to make it a normal morning. I went to the dry cleaner to pick up stuff. I went to the post office. I went to Starbucks. I got gas for my case. All of that was no problem. I had to drive by the vet’s office. It’s on the way to/from […]

Return of Wherefore art thou Eric J. Hedlund?

It’s been a busy week. Let’s see, I’m sick. I have a cold. My throat problem appears to be back, but I’ve been ignoring it for weeks — it’s pretty bad now so I’m off to the doctor tomorrow. Dad gets his one-year oncologists report tomorrow. Last night, I saw the Trans-Siberian Orchestra with Evan […]

Wherefore art thou Eric J. Hedlund?

So, every now and again I like to check up on my “missing” friends — you know the people you lost contact with, but you wish you hadn’t. I guess it’s sort of nostalgic. There aren’t that many that I’ve lost touch with that I wish I could reconnect with, but there are a few. […]

Friend Test Analysis

In yesterday’s post I posted the “friend test” which is both amusing and revealing at the same time. A number of my friends have taken it as well as some people I don’t know quite as well. I assumed the better the friend, the better the score, but clearly this isn’t the case. Since I […]

Friend Test

I’ve created this test for my MySpace page, but it supposedly works in a blog, so I’ll try it here and see if anyone tries to take this test or not. I will pass no further commentary at this time.

More on Friendships and such

This must be my favourite topic, because I’ve written about it often enough. Well here’s another rant of sorts: I despair for the future — not my future, but that of the world — because I find younger people can’t have intelligent conversations for the most part. They think they’re intelligent to be sure, but […]


Let’s discuss being shy today. The definition from Wiktionary is: to avoid due to timidness or caution which will do for our purposes of discussion. I think shyness is by definition a very personal issue — at least it is for me. There are many types of shyness, but there is a common denominator: preservation […]


My semi-friend (ex-friend?) Josh said we were doing something this morning and, as usual, he neither called nor e-mailed leaving me sitting at home with nothing to do. (And I even sent a follow up e-mail to remind him.) He’s stood me up a number of times, and that’s pretty much what led me to […]

Jack And Bob

This is an old, old, old joke from my Boy Scout days. Two friends-for-life, Bob and Jack, lost touch with each other during boy scouts when one moved away. By chance, they ended up in the same college. They decide to go camping for old-time’s sake and to renew their friendship. On the appointed morning […]