Tag: iTunes

iPhone, iPod, Beatles, and Apple’s New Name

Welcome, Apple Inc. That’s the new name of Apple Computer, Inc. The word “computer” has gone missing as they foray further and further into consumer electronics. Today the announcement of the iPhone (surprising absolutely nobody) and the Apple TV unit were met with great reviews. Shares of all rival phone makers plummeted an average of […]

Music and the 1 Terabyte Hard Drive

Everyone who knows me knows I love music. I own close to 1000 CDs, all store bought. Over the years, I have downloaded more than a few songs — most I own but am too damned lazy to go find the CD, bring it upstairs, rip a track, put it back, and then update all […]

Fun With iTunes — your library says things about you….

Eric Hedlund posted a version of this in his blog on 1-22-06. I’ve modified it and put it here. Load up iTunes, my friends, for a fun experiment. (You can do this with your iPod, or other music program if you prefer). Prepare your answers and post them here as comments…. You have to tell […]