Tag: London

A Pair of Chuckletrousers and 2038 Random Boogers

This post has nothing to do with that. In fact, I refuse to explain it. Those of you who know, get it. The rest of you don’t. — CMOT TMPV    (That was fun.) Right. Let’s start with an e-bay item which is a true rare piece of history. Yes, that’s an original Apple I computer. […]

Mind The Gap: Book Review

I am reading (still) and have pounded out another book. This one is Mind The Gap by Christopher Golden and Tim Lebborn is set in London. I picked it up last year sometime, but never quite got to it. Now that I am making an effort to spend less time on-line and more time reading […]

Gallup Poll Of Interest + London House Shopping

The below image is from the Gallup Poll organization. Someone emailed this to me, and I don’t remember who did. First, thanks to whomever that is 🙂 First, my views:Divorce: AcceptableGambling: AcceptableDeath Penalty: WrongStem Cells: AcceptableUnmarried Sex: Acceptable Medical testing on Animals: Acceptable, for medical purposes only. I keep changing my mind on this. I […]

Happy Birthday Mom (Trip Report)

Mom’s surprise trip has concluded, and I am now back home. She’s due back in Orlando any minute (if the airplane gods are kind). So. Mom’s trip was to see a Tina Turner Concert. I kept that part from her right until 30 minutes before the show. I hosed her good! That was Saturday Night. […]

Cats of All Kinds

Scooter has been in her final resting place, and here’s a photo. I finally am posting what is the final picture of Scooter. Or, more accurately, her final resting place. Sorry that it took so long but this was a hard photo to take, edit, and upload. Harder still was the act of installing her […]

O2 Venue Review (versus BankAtlantic Center)

Alright, this one’s for my Panther Message Board friends. In a previous post, I mentioned that The O2 venue was awesome. The O2 was formerly the Millennium Dome, which was a much-maligned tourist attraction, though I must say I rather enjoyed the Dome as did everyone I know who visited. The problem was the locals […]

England: The Rest

Went to the O2 Arena to see the special New Year’s Eve programme (excerpts shown on NBC with Carson here in the USA via tape delay) which was broadcast live on ITV1. The O2 is an amazing arena. It’s been — since it opened — voted the best arena in the WORLD by Pollstar and […]

England Day 6 complete

To answer several emails, day one was departure day and I wasn’t actually here. The first day here was day two even though it wasn’t a full day. Day eight will be boring too as it will involve waking up and going to the airport. It just made the trip seem longer 🙂 Now back […]

England Day 4 end and Day 5 Complete

Last night Karen’s feet were hurting because, against all advice, she wore NEW shoes on the trip and had multiple blisters. So, long about 545pm we raced via foot and tube to Lilywhite’s for her to buy new shoes. Naturally she started to buy the nice-looking ones and not the comfortable ones. What is WRONG […]

England Day 4 (to 5pm)

Today was a breakfast at Patisserie Valerie with the world’s most delectable croissants. We walked from our hotel at Gloucester Road there and then on to Knightsbridge tube. We went to the Tower of London to take the Yeoman Warder tour and see the crown jewels. Sunday morning is always the least crowded time to […]