Tag: Miami

All Sorts of Anecdotes

Let’s start with an interesting encounter. Friday I had day-early Birthday Dinner with Dad, my sister and her boyfriend at our usual restaurant. We sat down and we were two tables away from Donna Shalala (linked if you don’t know who she is). Dad always likes to be a big shot and we know all […]

Once again, Miami tops ‘road rage’ list

Once again, Miami has the worst road-rage of any city in the USA. As a driver here, I can tell you … wait? how dare you cut me off? I’ll kill you, you son-of-a bitch … where was I? Oh, yeah, we have the most insane, impossible drivers. Anyone who lives here and has to […]

Miami Tops Auto Club List for Rude Drivers

I know this will come as a surprise to absolutely nobody who has ever been to Miami, but we’re now famous for drivers worse than New York and Boston. Worse? That doesn’t even seem possible. Excerpted from BETH RUCKER of Associated Press on May 16, 2006 3:53 PM EDT: Stressed Miami drivers speed, tailgate and […]