Tag: Movies

Bitches Deserving To Die

Some people stain the planet by their mere presence. This bitch is one such miserable cretin who is a shit-stain on the reputation of humankind. The only justice in this would be that her own son finally turned her in after she forced her own children into torturing animals. If you like animals, you probably […]

A Compendium of Dreck and Pat Robertson (oh, wait, that’s redundant)

A collections of links will comprise the bulk of today’s post. All sorts of items of interest (or things that I feel might be interesting.) First, and foremost, we must discuss the horrible situation in Haiti. Interstate is, like we did after Katrina, taking employee contributions and matching them for the American Red Cross and/or […]

Treacherous Pavement: London Day Eight

We woke up and headed to breakfast, nearly slipping to our deaths on the pavement (sidewalk to US readers) which had iced over in the middle of the night. All the puddles from the 3am showers had frozen solid. Many cars had frosted windscreens, bonnets, and boots, and a few coming in even had snow […]

The Fantastic Mister Fox is, well, Fantastic

Before I get to the review, I had referred a number of you to a Facebook Dislike button add-on. It’s been causing people lots of problems and has also started serving advertising. I had to remove it and the complaints are mounting. But, here’s another one that is more popular and seems to be more […]

Out Damned Cough

This cough sucks. Dry and hacky and it won’t go away. I hatesssssss it. It’s not as bad when I’m lying down in bed. Opposite of normal. Shout out to Tara. It’s okay: you can eat a PayDay bar if it makes you happy. This from Dave Higgins. It’s a subway map. But this one […]

All Sorts Of News

First, a quick health update. My fever is finally gone after maxing out at a little over 103. Not the highest I’ve ever had, but still very unpleasant. That means I am not contagious anymore. However, you are contagious before you know you have it. If you were in contact with me Sunday or Monday, […]

Youth In Revolt and other news….

First, I must thank Jose for telling me he saw a trailer for the legendary novel Youth In Revolt which is a journal by one Nick Twisp. This is awesome news potentially. It stars Michael Cera (of Arrested Development fame) which is nice because he’s a good actor, but I don’t feel he looks the […]

Friday Randomness and PirateBay

First, from CNET, we have the confirmation of the long-awaited and long-rumoured Lord of the Rings on Blu-Ray. Woot. This excites me on so many levels. The actual report is about the boom in Blu-Ray sales which are, no matter what anyone says, the result of HD-DVD’s collapse which caused player prices to plummet. Second, […]

Worst Movie Ever

I have frequently mentioned that the worst movie EVER made was a film called LaserBlast that I saw in 1978 in Key West, Florida (where I lived at the time). It may have absolutely no redeeming value whatsoever, even as a footnote to history. It was trying to cash in on the Star Wars craze. […]

A Cat In Your Pants

Please vote on this LOLCatz. I don’t want to mention that this is my friend Paul. So there is no way I will mention this is my friend Paul. I am certain Paul wouldn’t want anyone to know that’s him sitting on the crapper with a cat in his pants. So I will not post […]