Tag: pets

A Collection From A Cluttered Mind

My friend John and I have an ongoing argument about AC/DC. We like them, but they’ve been recording the same songs for years. It is John’s (erroneous) contention that AC/DC has recorded six songs, while it is my (far more accurate) contention that they have recorded four songs. John has decided to go public with our dispute. […]

Oh what a day….

As if. Anyway, last night I finally was able to fix a long-established irritant on my Mac. There’s an ACL error that has always shown up in my monthly disk-check feature. All articles say it’s harmless and just an irritant. However, it makes DiskUtility take an hour to run instead of 3 or 4 minutes […]

Breaking News On Identity Theft

I came home to a phone message from a South Florida police agency (to be named later) that someone has been arrested with oodles of my personal information and asking if I’ve been the victim of Identity Theft. I missed the detective in question, but I left him a detailed voice mail and told him […]

The Morning After

I’m up. I tried to make it a normal morning. I went to the dry cleaner to pick up stuff. I went to the post office. I went to Starbucks. I got gas for my case. All of that was no problem. I had to drive by the vet’s office. It’s on the way to/from […]

Scooter Update 5.1

I went and visited Scooter today. She wasn’t happy at all and refused her Petrodex treats. That was a bad sign and I made sure the vet knew it. I petted her and brushed her, but she was just not interested today. So after about 20 minutes I left, leaving her treat behind. I spoke […]

Scooter Update 5.0

News will be further delayed until tomorrow or Friday. A CD of her MRI is being overnighted to the University of Florida veterinary school for another opinion. Three radiologists have reviewed her results and prior to the formal biopsy there are some concerns about the nature of the tumor, her chance for recovery, and several […]

Scooter Update 4.2 plus today’s events

I went to visit Scooter this AM but there was someone in the surgery area so I couldn’t see her. I left her treats, promising to come back later. So I went skating with the Berners. I will not humiliate him by pointing out in my blog that his son Shane skates much better than […]

Scooter Update 4.1

I visited Scooter. Saw the MRI. The problem is Quite Evident. There is nothing wrong with her spine at all. Nothing. There’s this tumour in the tissue surrounding the spine. It’s a bright white spot. Scooter was in good spirits, I pet her, brushed her, and fed her some food out of my hand. She’s […]

Scooter Update 4.0

It’s 919am and I have news on my beloved kitty, Scooter. She had her MRI at the people-MRI centre and she handled the anaesthesia fine — which the vet says surprised her. They’ve reviewed the results. This will sound odd, but the best possible news would be for a benign tumour compressing the spinal column. […]

Various Items

Visited Scooter this AM. I was happy not to get any grief from the holiday staff. I brought her brush and brushed her. She didn’t seem happy to see me, but it wasn’t personal. She was just out of it. I met the weekend vet. He looked like he was 14 but he said Scooter […]