Tag: XM Radio

Random Stuff For Today

First, to those who give a shit, Happy Valentine’s Day. I currently do not. Sorry. Second, thanks to the many people who showed support on my previous quote about friends and family 🙂 Third, today skating was fun, though breakfast was so slow it was horrible. We got to the rink near 1040 instead of […]

Sirius XM about go bankrupt

http://www.reuters.com/article/bondsNews/idUSN1247896120090212 Sirius XM is in big trouble. As a subscriber, I’m worried. I fault Howard Stern. Here’s a company losing a ton of money and they pay this guy a half BILLION dollars for a contract. (I don’t really fault Howard, but the myopic management team that gave him the bucks.) Why the FCC let […]

XM Radio versus Sirius Radio: Satellite Wars

I had XM Radio for about 3 years. I’ve mentioned it before — see previous entries. My new vehicle comes with their main competitor, Sirius. Although at some point they’ll merge, I thought I’d do a quick comparison. SPORTS: Sirius beats XM for most people because they have NFL. I prefer the NHL and that’s […]

More Car and More Politics and Scooter

CAR I have insurance. Yay. Tomorrow, I begin regular use of my new car. My MDX has been turned in after its inspection (passed just fine). I put the HAT TRK tag on the X5 though it’s still technically registered to the MDX. One hopes BMW is making haste with that transfer. (I have a […]

Satellite Items

Okay, just a brief note. I’ve had DirecTV for many years and I still really like it despite some arcane rules on what they can and can’t broadcast to a specific neighborhood*. I still think it’s fantastic and can’t imagine why anyone would ever get cable. Cable sucks. I had cable for years and I […]