Ah, yes, the blog is fixed


As you may have noticed the blog’s been a bit, um, well, unhappy lately. The archives were broken on most browsers. The formatting, text, and colours were shot. All sorts of unholy stuff. The blog is now fully functioning again and everything is (apparently) fixed.

The blog blew up the other day and stopped working entirely. I lost all my custom changes, and had to reinstall the template from scratch. That sounds easy, but, it creates problems. So I had to manually edit some things in order to preserve life as you all have come to know it.

Cosmetically, if you notice anything amiss — that is anything that is gone since a few weeks ago — let me know. I tried to remember everything I had customized, but it’s all gone to hell. And since my memory’s shot, that makes it hard to remember what I’ve forgotten. Hope you followed that.

Ah well. Peace out or somesuch. I think I’ll have, wossname, er, dinner.

— Reverend* Eric A. Seiden

*Oh, yeah, I am in case anyone cares. Really. Don’t laugh. STOP LAUGHING. Dammit. I am not making this up.

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