Tag: Aciphex

Health Alert: Acid Reflux, Aciphex, Nexium, and Vocal Cords

Five weeks ago I reported about my health problems and the lesion found on my vocal chords — we named him Fred in the previous post. Just in case some of you actually give a flying fuck, I have an update. Fred was supposed to be entirely gone now. Then I’d be happy and tell […]

Health Alert: Acid Reflux, Aciphex, Tinnitus, and Vocal Cords

If you don’t care about me or my health, you can skip right over this post and read the other stuff in this blog. It’s far more interesting and less disgusting than this post. If you know me, you know I’ve got Acid Reflux disease. Common and not much to say about it really. I’ve […]

More Bad Customer Service (Today: Walgreens)

So, last weekend I use the Internet to renew two Walgreens prescriptions. This should be easy. Normally I use the phone auto-dial system out of privacy concerns, but I decided to be daring. I really don’t care if you all know I take AcipHex. Yes, good ole’ acid-reflux. So much for privacy, eh? 🙂 Anyway, […]