Tag: Canada

Turning Canadian

This announcement is one of the happiest individual moments of my life: I can reveal the big secret I’ve been hiding for nearly a year. I am now officially and legally a Canadian citizen. Let me tell you all “aboot” it 🙂 I have always identified myself as half-Canadian* to people who’ve asked – everyone […]

The Vatican and I Agree….

… on something. Seriously. While they didn’t check with me first, this article tells it all. It sort of relates to my infamous Led Zeppelin post by failing to mention Led Zeppelin at all. The actual article can be found on the Vatican’s website in L’Osservatore Romano, the Vatican’s official newspaper. If I’m going to […]

Hockey (Olympics, Panthers, NHL, and so much more)

The Olympic gold medal game USA versus Canada became the highest rated television program in Canadian history. Period. Over half the country watched. I think that’s great but ratings in the US were through the roof too, with 27.6 million people watching (more than the entire population of Canada) and the highest rated hockey game […]

Today’s Random Blathering…

Miami is famous for sick people. It stands to reason with our über high average age in the Sunshine State. It’s odd to see your home-town hospital in the news in a foreign paper, but indeed it happened. Danny Williams, the premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, broke his silence on his decision to undergo heart […]

USA 5, Canada 3: A Game for the Ages

The USA versus Canada hockey game was one of the best ever. Intense, exciting, invigorating, captivating, energetic, awesome! This game is what all hockey games should aspire to be. It’s definitely one of the five best I’ve ever seen. Probably the second best and only because I must give the edge to the 1980 Miracle […]

Today’s Collection Of Commentary and Foodstuffs

I am tired. Really tired. First, this awesome article on The Beatles and what today’s kids think of them, from a reporter with the London Times. I can’t remember which friend provided this, but I like it. Yeah, the Beatles are cool generation after generation. Second, this video is from Jose’s Facebook page: (Link gone […]