Tag: Cel Phones

Burning Dinner

Let’s start with an admission. I can’t cook many things, but a few things I can cook and cook them well: Steak, Burgers, Chicken and Rice, and Spaghetti with various sauces (marinara, garlic and butter). So it pains me to say I bought over the weekend a $16 one pound filet mignon. I’ve cooked a […]

My New Mobile Phone

Yay. Today was a big day in Mobile Phone Land when I got a little pissed with T-Mobile (okay, I got a lot pissed) very recently. Nothing frosts my balls more than people who don’t return calls. I have been a loyal T-Mobile customer since the Jamie Lee Curtis days. Yeah, okay, so maybe she’s […]

I will never use a mobile phone again

This video, which had gone viral earlier on YouTube France is scary. It’s now here for you to see. Yes, you saw correctly. You can pop popcorn using mobile phones. That bodes not well for them being next to your ear. Yeah, I’ll still use my phone. Thankfully I use hands-free BlueTooth most of the […]

I was In a Fender Bender Today

Today, I was in a relatively minor fender bender. Or, more accurately, I was rear-ended by a cel-phone wielding blonde bitch. Maybe she isn’t, but her attitude bears me out. I left work a bit early today to go to the post office and pick up some stuff while they were still open. So, along […]