Tag: Stephen Clark

Maybe God Hates Me

Been a rough year so far. So now, we can add to the pile. My main hard drive on my Mac suddenly stopped working. No idea why or anything. Disk Utility won’t verify it.I think it’s probably a complete loss, but am not sure. I do have a partial backup — but it was backing […]

In The Merde for Love

I recently read A Year in the Merde by Stephen Clarke — you may click on the link to see my review of that book. I ended up liking it quite a bit, so I ordered the sequel In The Merde For Love. The first book had this quote: “There are lots of French people […]

A Year in the Merde (Stephen Clarke Book Review)

I bought this book a while ago, inexplicably moving it to the bottom of my unread book pile in favour of other books. I just never felt in the mood for it. Rather interesting book outside my normal genre of reading. So, this weekend when I was bored out of my skull, I finally decided […]