Tag: Technorati

Technorati Suckitude

Technorati is pissing me off. Normally I get a fair amount of traffic from them. However, for two weeks now it’s been not updating my blog posts to their database. That means people who access this blog via Technorati are seeing “last update 14 days ago” — and I’ve been trying to get in touch […]

I’ve Moved to Blogger Beta

I’m not sure how this will work, but I’ve decided to be proactive and beat the curve. Let’s see how well it works. Expect a new look really soon. Your patience with my learning curve is appreciated! It’s really frustrating so far. I’ve got to tell you. I’ve added an HR tag between posts until […]

The Newly Tagged Blog

Wow. I have tagged almost every post in my blog — manually. That took two days of detailed HTML editing because Blogger doesn’t really support tags. I’m not big into tags myself, but a careful experiment showed a tagged entry got 10% more hits than an untagged entry. Now if the visitors would all clink […]