Tag: Tolkien

Peter Jackson Can’t Kick the Hobbit: He’s Signed On!

Peter Jackson: Middle Earth, A Hard Hobbit to Break Some bits from various wire reports cut and pasted together: Relations between Jackson and New Line soured after “Rings” despite a collective worldwide box office gross of nearly $3 billion, decimating records around the globe. After publicly warring for well over a year, “Lord of the […]

Peter Jackson may or may not direct the Hobbit

Peter Jackson has been removed as director of the Lord of the Rings follow-up, The Hobbit. I think there is 100% agreement outside of New Line Cinema that this is perhaps the worse idea since New Coke. Let me go on the record as saying a Jackson-less Hobbit shall not be seen by me nor […]

Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring

This is a retro-post. I put this online 24 December 2005 using the date it was originally sent out. Lord of the Rings — Part One (The Movie Review) Well, this movie is one I had been waiting for a very long time. My expectations were unobtainable and possibly unreasonable. My fear of being let […]

LOTR: Two Towers Review

This is a retro-post. I put this online 24 December 2005 using the date it was originally sent out. LOTR: Two Towers Review First, it’s hard to say whether a review of this film contains Spoilers because if you’ve read the book, you already know what happens. If you’ve not read the book, stop now. […]


This is a retro-post. I put this online 24 December 2005 using the date it was originally sent out. LORD OF THE RINGS: RETURN OF THE KING (REVIEW) You WILL be warned before spoilers. It’s OK to read the first bit. First, a word about spoilers: If you’ve read the book there are, by definition, […]