A Meeting with Johnson, Martin, and Bettman

attended a small ‘conference’ with Chad Johnson (Senior VP sales & Marketing of the NHL Florida Panthers), Jacques Martin (the GM of the NHL Florida Panthers), and Gary Bettman (Commissioner of the NHL) before tonight’s game. It was an invitation only event and about 150 or so people were there.

I did not take notes, so this is from memory. I do have two photos which are included.

Martin (left) and Bettman (right)

Gary Bettman and Jacques Martin 1/2

First Chad Johnson* started as Martin and Bettman were running late from their media interviews. Chad took questions from the floor to kill time and he was very forthright, which I appreciate as that is not common with many Panthers executives. I want to give him full credit.

There were a number of questions of interest relating to the Panthers. My question (to loud applause) was “Have you ever walked in when there’s a concert? Why does our building look like there’s not a hockey team here?” He actually took out his notebook and jotted some notes. He then said, “you should have asked WILL we do something?” and seemed to imply they might. Then again, they use duct tape to hold down the carpet, so my trust in the organization is mixed.

There were questions about advertising (second level LED board: no // advertising in urinal: much laughter and an admission that sometimes they dance on the line of good taste). Questions about the new TV screens and why don’t they show game stuff (advertising commitments). Why they no longer play the radio over the speakers in the restrooms and concourses during the games (“they don’t do that?” — he didn’t know and jotted that down). Why no out of town scores (he promised to see what he could do)? He also indicated they have some old equipment and are looking at replacing the scoreboard with something like the Capitals have but probably not this coming season.

When asked why aren’t the Cats in the media more, he blames the media. In the case of the Miami Herald he’s right. Because even I’ve spoken to them, and they don’t give a shit. Chad’s okay in my book. He was about to answer more questions when Martin came in with Bettman.

Wow Bettman is way shorter than I thought. What surprised me is that he’s really funny and unassuming. I liked him. He gave a speech about the state of the league. He insists the league is in good shape for this year and next year (though he didn’t speak as to whether our team or any team would be moving.) I actually enjoyed his talk. I like him a lot more than I did before. He answered lots of questions from the floor.

Martin talked a bit and the first question was about Jay Bouwmeester and here’s the real kicker. He said, “we are actively listening to offers from other teams” and they will decide at the deadline “if we’ll trade him, keep him and try to sign him” and he made it clear if the team’s in the playoff picture it will be a factor. He also said they are very comfortable with where they are and they don’t particularly care if he’s traded. That says volumes. They made him many offers and “it’s the player’s choice whether to accept it or not.” My money is he’s gone before March 4th. Bettman butted in and said “you’re not going to hear a GM be that forthright very often” before going on about how this is one of the downsides of the Salary Cap** — this new style free agency. But his point was that it works because if you lose one player, you have to spend to get another because there’s a maximum and minimum cap.

Bettman was asked about the shootout (not by me surprisingly) and he said, pretty much, that with approval ratings at 80% they weren’t even asking fans whether to keep it or not. That topic, sadly, is a dead horse. I hate it, and I did, as always, walk out of tonight’s too: I continue to not support it. Bettman also did a “shameless self-promotion for my XM radio show on Thursdays.” and got a laugh for his efforts.

After it was done, I went over and spoke to Bettman a few minutes. He’s really nice, personable, and you just don’t expect that of a guy many people call “weasel-boy.” I liked him. Really. He even signed some autographs for fans (I didn’t ask) including my guest who had the temerity to wear a Rangers jersey — the only one in the room.

*Chad and I first met on the famous road-trip where I went with the team to Atlanta. Some time after that, I had a run-in with him, and I’m not even sure that he remembers me. It was way back in the lockout days. I was really irritated at something the Panthers did (false advertising and, as always, I had to say something) and we got in a bit of an argument and he gave me my season ticket money back and called me “unproductive.” Eventually we made peace a few days later. I harbour no ill-will towards him. But I should always come clean against with any past issues. He’s all right in my book.

** He used the words Salary Cap

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