Oi! You! Pay attention!

First, today’s useful links are to BBC America’s website where you can get a list of all sorts of British slang — at least what’s used on the awesome show Skins. I’ve mentioned this show in this blog before , and it bears reminding you all that it’s just great. They use a lot of British slang, and many of these words, you’ve heard me use before — some of you giving me quizzical looks. Amusing reading for everyone: A-G , H-P, and last, but not least, Q-Z. Check ’em out and have fun.

Second, Facebook is still borked and you will see this post whenever Facebook sees fit to poll this blog. Which, sometimes, is a week late. Again, follows this blog using your favourite RSS/ATOM news reader or just visit directly at http://www.darsys.net/quagmire.html. Or be patient. Technorati is having similar, but long-standing, issues and is running nearly three weeks behind schedule.

Third, and thanks to Suzie-Q for this, I have submitted my blog to Amazon to make available on their Kindle reader. I’m not sure why anyone would want to read this blog on a Kindle, but it’s a cool idea so I thought I’d make it available. Do I get paid for it? Theoretically, yes, but practically speaking, unlikely. If you like my blog, click on an ad or two of interest. Or use the other links provided. I’m not doing this for money, but for fun — or at least what passes for fun.

Next up, I want to plug the company where my friend Evan works, Barcharts Publishing. They have a new QuickStudy guide for G-Mail that is now available for the very low price of $1.25 to the first 1024 people. Google mentioned it in their official blog in this post where they gave away 1000 copies for free. You can get the un-laminated PDF version for free via a URL in that blog, but splurge and send $1.25 to Evan’s company. You know you want to. (I am not getting a cut of the action.)

Ah, yes, Taco Bell ad star Gidget the Chihuahua dies at 15, and this is yet another celebrity death. I had to mention it because those ads ran for a long, long, long time. Quite a bit too long now that I think of it. Speaking of Taco Bell, I still miss the border lite line. Apparently, I’m the only one. But that was some tasty stuff.

I watched the two-hour season première of Hell’s Kitchen last night and I am realizing this season is far more contrived than others. But Gordon Ramsay is fun to watch. I think they pick half the cooks for their entertainment value and not their cooking skills.

My lip is killing me still. But I am going to the dentist tomorrow for him to look at the lip, the teeth, and render a verdict. After reading a lot on-line about busted lips, I realized how serious this can be. There’s something in there called the vermillion border. There are some horrific pictures here but you might not want to see them. I feel that this is what part of the problem may be in addition to the teeth/jaw/whatever. The Victoria Line on London’s legendary tube system got the first new trains yesterday, and they’ll slowly roll them out. Nobody cares but me. I know. Still there’s an article here if you want to read about it and see some pictures and a short Flash video.

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