Tag: Apple

I love my Mac

I refer to this cool link for all the MacHeads out there. It’s an awesome song about, well, Macs. Props to my friend Ernie (I stole it from his blog) for this awesome link. I should say something perverted and ask exactly how he loves his Mac, but I’m afraid he might answer 🙂 (12-29: […]

Installing Mac OS-X on a Dell

[This post updated 6-7-05 with additional information and citations] Yes, it’s true. Sometime in 2007, you will likely be able to install OS-X 10.5 on your crappy-ass Dell. Apple is losing the big competitive difference they once had. Instead, they’re becoming one of the pack. Apple’s sales may go up, but what made us love […]


Well, I upgraded my Mac to OS 10.3.9 yesterday and it’s running fine. For me, that’s a miracle as every single upgrade I ever do ends in disaster. ::knock on wood:: So, after that I read on MacFixIt that Virtual PC doesn’t work under OS-X 10.3.9 and you have to revert to 10.3.8 but it […]

Computer Things That Vex Me

Firefox got rid of my favourite Mozilla feature. Mozilla had many flaws that Firefox does not, but it could give me a pop-up window when my favourite sites were updated. Many go months without a change. I miss that feature. Any way to make it happen on Firefox Mac? I use MacLink Plus to convert […]

Richard Branson Envies Apple

You all should know who he is: the CEO of Virgin Group — a conglomeration of 350 companies. In the 3-14-05 MacLean’s magazine there is an interview with him. All interesting, but I have to share one question and answer. Q: Do you envy any other brands?A: Apple has reinvented itself a number of times […]

Cult of Mac

ISBN 1-886411-83-2 This is such a kick-ass book, I would encourage all my MacHead friends to go and buy it. If you’re one of those “other” people who use that Windows trash, perhaps reading this book will help you understand why we MacHeads are so fanatical and loyal. Maybe we should call ourselves MacQuaeda? “The […]

iSight Camera

Damn. I finally hooked up and used my iSight. It’s awesome. Everybody run out and get one right now. I tested it with my friend Tom ::waves:: for a few minutes but he had to go do homework. Eeeeewwww. Just as I was getting ready to sign off, I get an IM from Josh who […]

Blogging on a new computer….

I have a brand new G5. Yay! Now I’ve got a G4 I’m going to have to sell on e-bay. Anybody want a G4 at a great price? In other news, I have some news that I am dying to share but can’t just yet. It could be sooner or it could be later. We’ll […]