Tag: OS-X


First, a repeat of something from some time ago. If you’re a Mac user and running OS-X you may find the random need to run an OS-9 application. If you’re running Intel architecture instead of PPC architecture that is, technically, not possible (or PPC with an OS greater than 10.4). However, it can be done […]

When It Rains….

First, if you’re going to use OSX Snow Leopard here’s a compatibility chart you’ll find useful. Make sure your critical applications are updated and make sure you know what won’t work. Be especially careful with disk utilities that may cause more harm than good when used with an operating system they aren’t tested with. Also, […]

So many things to report….

First, a big thank you to John and Liz for their hospitality last night. There was BBQ and music and fun all around. I’m glad I went. Tasty. A bit spicy and my acid reflux didn’t enjoy it nearly as much as I did. Oh well, sometimes you gotta’ live a little. Now on to […]

Weekend In Review

Saw Mom and Grandma Saturday and had a nice visit and a huge breakfast at Mo’s. That was the start of the day and I was feeling okay then, relatively speaking. Afterwards, it was going to be “guys day out” but we ended up with Lizzie so our plans changed accordingly. We met up at […]

The Near Death of My Mac

Okay, it didn’t really die, but I got quite the scare. Actually, I got the first EVER hard crash of my Mac. I’ve never even seen this happen before on ANY of my Macs. It’s more impressive than the chimes of death (which I have seen on an old Mac in the shop many years […]