Tag: Tube

765th post

According to Blogger we’re at 765 posts and counting, this one included. It includes all posts whether or not consequential so if I made two posts in one day that are short, they’re still two posts. But you don’t care about that, and neither do. I’m waiting on 1,000 🙂  I’m at 247,000 hits and […]

Seven Hundred Posts*….

… but there will be no celebration today. WJM: you damn well better pull through. I’ll kill you if you don’t. I will come after you. I’m angry with you. We had a deal. (But I’m still sending happy, healing thoughts your way.) Hockey season is upon us as season ticket booklets have arrived. I […]

England: The Rest

Went to the O2 Arena to see the special New Year’s Eve programme (excerpts shown on NBC with Carson here in the USA via tape delay) which was broadcast live on ITV1. The O2 is an amazing arena. It’s been — since it opened — voted the best arena in the WORLD by Pollstar and […]

England Day 4 end and Day 5 Complete

Last night Karen’s feet were hurting because, against all advice, she wore NEW shoes on the trip and had multiple blisters. So, long about 545pm we raced via foot and tube to Lilywhite’s for her to buy new shoes. Naturally she started to buy the nice-looking ones and not the comfortable ones. What is WRONG […]

My Vacation Report (Such as it was)

As usual, I am typing up a trip report for those parties who may be interested in what I did for vacation this year. I use the term vacation lightly as this was anything but a vacation. As far as I’m concerned, I took no vacation in 2007. This year, I decided to ditch Christmas […]

London Rocked

I had a great time in London. I rode the tube and I survived. I was a little nervous the first time. I was a certainly a bit apprehensive on the Piccadilly line the first day it was open, especially as I exited at Russell Square. However all-in-all, it was a great trip. Just so […]