In a previous blog entry on 10-12 about Guangzhou (aka Canton) “This is Greg’s big meeting and it’s a disaster. His vendor and the agent are lying through their teeth. Their stories change, their body language says anxiety, and they don’t come clean. I pass Greg several notes warning him it’s bad news on most counts but he’s aware of it, just not how bad …. Glad it wasn’t my meeting.” Anyway, that’s just so you remember the post.
As you all know I despised Guangzhou because quite honestly, I don’t like a city with smokestacks that bellow Mountain-Dew coloured smoke, nor do I like a city where “brown” is a valid description of the weather. Here’s the rest of the story. Greg relayed the balance of this story to me today. When we left the meeting, one of Greg’s associates, who shall remain anonymous, didn’t particularly hate Guangzhou and stayed behind for a few more days before directly returning to the USA. Turns out on his last day, he was being driven around in the corporate Mercedes, as is the custom in China, and they were pulled over by a guy in a motorcycle — not sure how that works but I’m just relaying this — and the guy promptly robbed the driver and the passenger before leaving.
Needless to say he’s no longer a fan of Guangzhou. Carjackings, muggings, and robberies, Oh My!