I’ve always wanted to use the phrase “douche bag” in my blog. I find it funny and especially scathing. There are many people I’d like to call a douche bag, but aside from President Bush Jr I really haven’t been able to find a worthy recipient — you really need to be consistently scummy to warrant the title.
So, today I was using some of my various software* to study inbound hits on my various web pages, which is always an extraordinarily interesting task. I rarely, if ever, check the stats on my personal page because it doesn’t get that much traffic to warrant a full study. Well over the past month there has been a noticeable uptick in traffic. I decided to see what it was about. One look and the douche bag immediately popped into my mind. Yes, my least favourite arselick and dickwad in the hockey world must be up to something.
David Waronker as a search term has accounted for over 50% of the traffic to my site in the past month. On said page, you will note I have the very old diatribe about his scumbag ways of doing business and stiffing his season ticket holders (and my friends). Apparently, his company USALandsale must be having some goings on because many of these search terms are coupled with that. Yes, he is the very definition of douche bag and I am apparently not the only one who thinks so.
Here’s what’s on my page that is attracting all these hits. And keep in mind, this section of text hasn’t been changed since the year 2004 so it’s not anything I did that caused this uptick:
I hate David Waronker because he screwed me out of nearly $700 and I hope he and his entire family rot in the eternal abyss of hell. Here’s why: I accept people try and fail at things. I accept people sometimes can’t meet their obligations. I do not accept people who deliberately lie, defraud, and otherwise mislead you specifically to avoid those obligations. Do not do business with him or his companies. He’s a scumbag. One must assume his lack of honesty is prevalent in all his businesses (CBD Development, USALandsale, others). The quick story: I bought and paid for season tickets, and mid-way through the season on February 28th he relocated the team. He promised all season ticket holders a prompt refund (I have this in writing and copies of media reports saying this as well). As of early May I had not been paid, most e-mails had gone unanswered, and the ones that were answered contained promises not fulfilled. Certified letters were ignored, calls were not returned, and so forth. All of this is documented. On 5-15-04 (less than one week after this page went up) I got a profanity-laden, typo-ridden email from Mr. Waronker’s wife who thinks I’ve said terrible things about her children.
I don’t seem to see that anywhere; do you? I was going to answer, but decided not to get in a pissing match. I got a more politely worded letter from Mr. Waronker asking who would actually read this web page. I guess the answer is “Mrs. Waronker.” He suggests I use my refund (not received as of yet) for medical attention. I do not believe in posting private e-mails, so you don’t get to see them at this time. I do have them archived for posterity’s sake along with copies of all the e-mails and web pages which constitute my reasons for being irate. On 5-17-04 I received a counter check with no imprint which had both my first and last name spelled incorrectly, in a plain envelope with no return address. I have presented it to the bank and awaiting it to clear. Copies of the check, envelope, and such have also been archived. None of my other friends have received refunds, return phone calls, e-mail answers. I have encouraged them all to retain legal representation. I stand by all statements made here. I am expressing my opinion on the honesty and integrity of Mr. Waronker based on his actions. These actions are documented. I am considering posting them on a separate page for your amusement. (As of July 2004 I am the only one who has received a refund. He’s been twice spurned by the WHA in an attempt to sell his team. Apparently, I’m not the only one who doesn’t wish to do business with him. In August 2004, the City of Orlando ejected him from the arena for breach of contract.)
So now I get to throw his name out there again, and I get to use the term douche bag again. And you know what’s sad? He actually seemed like a really nice guy the few times I met him. Really a shame. But some people are dishonest and some people (I suspect this is him) are so dishonest they don’t even think they’re dishonest. My now defunct mailing list had posts about him and even my current message board has posts (and this too) about him — running right through 2007. Amazingly, not once did anyone ever stick up for him. He seems to be universally reviled. (And to update the story, he’s had lease issues with other cities since Orlando, nobody ever did get a refund — and he’s been evicted again.)
To reiterate, these are my OPINIONS and I think he is a douche bag but there is no evidence he is actually a medical/hygiene device. Then again, there’s no evidence he’s a sack of shit either but based on his actions, I think there’s a preponderance of evidence that he possibly is. If anyone would like to take either side, I will gladly moderate your comment, but I will not accept anonymous comments to this post.
* Google Analytics, Web Trends, Stat Counter , and Extreme Tracking — all of which monitor various aspects of my site’s traffic to better analyze: keywords, browsers, came from, popular page, exit and entry pages, monitor resolutions, CPU, JavaScript status and more. (I use this to better make my site function.)