I’ll start with some sad news. One of the more memorable and famous Beatles songs, Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds, was inspired by a drawing Julian Lennon did of classmate Lucy O’Donnell. Lucy died today at age 46 from lupus.

The above is the original drawing Julian did. It resides in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio where I was fortunate enough to see it for myself. Though I don’t remember it being quite so yellowed.
In good news, or at least karmic news, John Ashcroft is facing personal liability for his role in some of the more onerous terror policies of the Bush administration that violated the Constitution. This is how it should be. The Constitution is there to be respected and followed, not ignored at one individual’s convenience.
Special kudos to Hugh Jackman for stopping in the middle of a play to chide an assshole who didn’t turn of his mobile phone. If you’re in a theatre (plays, concerts, movies, whatever), turn off your mobile phone. The rest of us really hate you. Don’t text as the light is annoying; don’t leave it on vibrate either. Turn it off. Seriously. It’s rude. And don’t get mad when you use it and we yell and throw popcorn in your hair. Returning the rudeness is fair game. (Video of incident here.)
Lastly, more on work stuff. I’ll discuss this on the corporate Facebook page, but the Nucor Steel bolt thing I’ve mentioned here is blowing up. They have pissed off some mighty big people and I’ve heard from a number of CEOs of large companies today — being an expert can be fun sometimes. I’ve prepared my letter to the ITC and will send it off FedEx tomorrow. I did some serious research on it and cover myriad of points including violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act in addition to including a statement from Alan Greenspan on a related discussion. It started as five pages, but I’ve whittled it down to two and a half (which includes a table of products). Nucor, you suck. That’s my personal opinion and in no way reflects our corporate position, which will be presented to the ITC by Thursday.