I’m watching V — second episode. Getting weird interference which sort of sucks — the frames seem to be skipping every now and again, and there’s the random red streak through the picture for a fraction of a second. Pretty weird that it’s happening on this show.
Anna is definitely smoking hot, and she oozes with the charm of a used car salesman — I’m pretty sure it’s intentional. The guy who plays Chad the newscaster reminds me of Michael J. Fox. Except I like Michael J Fox and this guy is just irritatingly smug. Every time he smiles, I want to punch him in the fake teeth. I like the big black guy alien, but I don’t remember his name. Erica, the lady FBI agent’s okay, as is her son Tyler. Her partner was so-so. Father Jack is pretty good and he’s actually trying. It’s an interesting set of actors with far ranging skill sets.
I mention V first, because it’s a segue into the next topic. There has been more and more extraterrestrials and whether they’re real or not. More and more evidence appears in mainstream media. There are tons of video clips on YouTube — some clearly hoaxes, some nebulous, and some clearly showing something. There’s the news clips, though. More and more newscasts around the globe are reporting these things that have no explanation including Larry King. There are reports from foreign military groups such as the Belgian Air Force, including the hundreds of thousands of pages of documentation the UK released earlier this year. They don’t leave much doubt that nobody knows what or who these visitors are. Don’t believe it? Here’s the link to the British Government’s National Archives. These are the actual documents released by the Ministry of Defence. Too bad the US government won’t release our documents. I’m curious about Roswell — one way or another.
A few friends and I have been (independently) discussing this. I won’t reveal who they are, because unlike me they might care what others think. I don’t suffer from that affliction on this topic. We all agree, and we came to this independently, that sometime before the end of the decade there will be first contact. That is, aliens will make themselves known to us somehow. There will be undeniable proof. Some people theorize mass chaos, others think it’ll be paradise found. I’m thinking life will go on with some cool new things. None of my friends think these aliens will be bad, though they may not be benevolent, either adhering to some secret agenda of their own. Yeah, aliens are coming, but it won’t be like on TV (or V).
The hardest hit will be religion, because religion is all about Man and God. If you add another intelligent life, perhaps greater than man, that raises horribly difficult questions. It’s also possible the aliens may be an ancient race (or not) and be able to prove or disprove what is written in the Bible (or not). It will be a very difficult time for organized religion. Say what you want about organized religion, they aren’t stupid. They’re smart and they’re powerful. They control flocks of their faithful and while they all seem different, there are certain things that would cause groups of two or more major religions to set aside their differences.
So it should come as no surprise that no less than the Vatican itself is now re-investigating more seriously the possibility of life outside of Earth. And they’re not hiding it. It might turn out to be a sham like many government investigations or maybe it’ll be legitimate. But get ready, because by the end of this decade I predict you all will see with your own eyes intelligent life from another planet*.
I continue to enjoy Fake Michael Yormark thoroughly. Whomever he/she/they may be, there’s plenty of amusement to go around. It’s getting a little more smarmy and vicious.
And I hate this fucking cough. HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE.
*Congress doesn’t qualify since I used the word intelligent