Just A Few Notes

The pictures of the London trip will appear on Flickr today and tomorrow. There are about 12 of 226 I will post. The rest are on request only. My broken toe photo is also there but it’s restricted to friends and family only.

First up we have a peeve of mine. I hate people who don’t know how to get dressed. Yes, I refer to the morons who don’t know that pants go at or above the waistline and not below your arse-cheeks. Well in a message from God, one of those idiots died today when he tripped over his own pants and plunged to his death after killing three people. You should never take pleasure in the death of another, but in this case it’s probably okay as this is definitely a divinely sanctioned event.

If you thought it was impossible to flow-chart music, think again. Here’s one for Hey Jude that’s awesome. Okay, it’s a humour piece but for a minute you were thinking I was serious. Admit it. I rather like this. You suspected that since I did post it here. Thanks to Paul for that link.

I had mentioned the photo exhibit at the National History Museum that we liked so much. Not sure if I posted a link to all the photos, but it’s here in case I forgot. I’ll be updating my London page this week too for those interested.

And from Dan who is taking up a lot of my blog space lately, we have this item. I’m starting to wonder if Dan is my evil twin brother. There’s a lot of weird links he finds that come here. Scary. The item itself is a comparison of 1999 vs 2009 and it may just surprise you how things have changed.

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