Offensiveness And Videos Galore

Sometimes it’s fun to be offensive, especially if it means getting under the skin of someone without them even knowing why. This example pleases me greatly.

Sometimes a post begs a reply and this one was no exception. My reply was especially pithy with double meaning inside. I never imagined how quick the bait would be taken. The original post was made, I saw it some 18 minutes later, retorted with my beautiful one-liner. It took 14 minutes for someone to take the bait. Sadly, I had intended it for the person who made the post, not the random person who replied. I’m not sure a drink can cure cluelessness. I am mightily proud of myself. I’m half tempted to share this with FSJ.

While we’re on the subject of offensive, I must direct the alcoholic above (I’m kidding and have no idea if the person’s an alcoholic or not) I also must refer to this NY Times Op-Ed piece. “For decades the G.O.P. has been the party of fear, ignorance and divisiveness. All you have to do is look around to see what it has done to the country. The greatest economic inequality since the Gilded Age was followed by a near-total collapse of the overall economy. The G.O.P. poisons the political atmosphere and then has the gall to complain about an absence of bipartisanship. We are so far, in so many ways, from being a class act.” Those are just a few sentences to entice you to read the original article. Credit, IIRC, to Evan for this.

Speaking of absolutely, positively no class please observe about 14 seconds into this video:

Observe with your own eyes Mr Bush shake the hand of a man of colour, then disgustedly wipe his hand on the sleeve of Mr Clinton. Seriously. I like to screw around with computer bigots, but this is shameful. Can we deport him? Yep, no class. That Op-Ed guy should see this video. Credit to Dave for bringing this festering pile of shit to my attention. As much as I dislike Bush, I’d never have imagined this would be true.

Special thanks to Suzie-Q for yesterday’s papal humour which may have been one of the most brutally offensive yet utterly hysterical jokes in recent memory. It’s hard to be that sacrilegious and retain damn near perfect word choice and humour all at the same time. Probably be lost of the guy having the drink. Maybe on Streeter too. Hard to tell. I’m still laughing. Jose liked it too.

Which reminds me, I’ll thank him one last time for the help with this blog. Between he and I, every single post in this blog has been fixed. The two missing posts have been reconstructed. Four posts have been re-dated so they can be found and are clearly marked because for reasons we cannot fathom two posts were time shifted a few months into the future. Sadly, that’s where the URLs point so I changed the dates. About 150 blog title URLs were manually changed to match old conventions. Two posts had duplicate titles so I fixed those and posted links in them internally so people looking for the other one post can find it. Traffic has returned to normal, so the fixes seemed to have worked. I have retained the entire original blog in case anyone notices oddities. I can check the original content. I plan to save that for a few months to be safe.

I’ve updated a previous post on the Florida Panthers new Den of Honor. There were a number of typos and details that needed correcting. As is policy, I put a note at the bottom so everyone knows changes were made. Real hockey fans should re-read it. Everyone else, you’re probably fine with the first reading. I only mention it because all the pictures on Flickr (18) and (69) are now live and they weren’t when the post originally woke up.

In random news, my AT&T U-verse service is running amazingly fast this past week. I tested it and it’s running at over 20MBPS which is in excess of the speeds they promise and in excess of the speeds I am paying for. Impressive speeds. U-verse by the way is vDSL and not fibre optic. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. When checking things out, I noticed the ROM on the router was flashed and that may be what’s accounting for the speed change.

Last, but certainly not least, we have this awesome clip from Top Gear, the show all motor-heads love. This one’s from Evan as well. It’s a preview of a car by GM called Hy Wire. You know, this video’s pretty old. If they had released this car — it requires no gas at all — they very well could own a good part of the market. Why do ideas like this never get released? Maybe the oil companies?

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