Jimmy Buffett, Awkward and Incestuous with a Fortune Cookie Chaser

First, the Head Parrothead (Jimmy Buffett) has just had Dolphin Stadium renamed to Landshark Stadium (I like the name) after his beer, Landshark Beer in exchange for no money. They get personal appearances, etc, by his parrotness. He also re-did his famous song Fins with Dolphin lyrics. Thanks to Razzie for the URL to the video:

[This video is no longer available]

Jimmy is a big fan of the Fins so this is a great fit. It’s only a one year deal. Still, it’s cool. Maybe we’ll get Jimmy doing the national anthem. He did it once at a Heat game before his play “Don’t Stop The Carnival” at it was really awesome.

Also up is the most awkward family photo ever.

I almost didn’t post this because it was actually embarrassing but the bottom line was I couldn’t stop laughing at the absurdity. The levels on which this is disturbing know NO bounds. I am sharing it because I do not want to be alone in having this image in my mind. Also it provides segue for this next story. Yes, that picture actually has the Power of Segue. Hard to believe.

Today was skating: just John, Liz, and me. So Liz and I are chatting and she is talking about her Telenovelas (soap operas). She is telling me about this Romeo and Juliet plot-line wherein the two characters are really brother and sister but don’t know it. We were discussing the ick factor of incest and John comes up. I said, “Don’t bother us: we’re discussing incest.” He skated away not to be seen for nearly an hour. I never scared anyone off like that so easily. It was pretty funny. In retrospect maybe I shouldn’t have said it so loudly, but Liz was laughing really hard. I have mentioned this before, but Liz and John are really awesome. I am so glad I know them. And good luck with the house!

The below quote and above picture are from my Facebook post Thursday. If you don’t have FaceBook, here’s the post.

Eric A. Seiden was at work and found a spare fortune cookie on the communal food table. I decided I’d eat it. The fortune said “Your wish is about to come true.” I turned bright red. God, I hope so 🙂
A deserted tropical island with some hot babes and unlimited funds perhaps?

On the back is a set of lottery numbers and the “learn Chinese” phrase. The word is “Summer” (Xià Tian) That “a” in Tian should have a bar over it, but I don’t know how to do that on my Mac. The £ isn’t close enough. (If you don’t have Chinese characters installed some of this paragraph will not display on your screen.)

Only a fool puts his hope in a fortune cookie’s prophecy, but I can tell you I certainly am that fool. We’ll see if this will be the best summer of my life or not.

Anyway, I had to blog all this randomness.

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