
The Return and Death of Crazy Frog

I’ve blogged about him before in my post Crazy Frog or Coldplay? and now I shall kill him — for he’s responsible for some 20,000 of my blog hits — visitors who come and leave without nary a glance at the rest of this blog. View this 28 second clip and then read on: (Link […]

Vlad Taltos return in Dzur in time for Hurricane Ernesto

Ah, before that damned almost-Hurricane Ernesto arrives, I shall bang out one last blog entry. I’ve finished Steven Brust’s latest entry in the Vlad Taltos series, Dzur, and enjoyed it thoroughly. Okay, I’m a Brust fan and this isn’t exactly an entirely unbiased review. However, a few special points to bring up: the ending is […]

Naked Teens On Parade

Amazingly, this is not a shameless ploy to get people to read my blog. With such a title you might actually imagine such a thing. This post is as sexually titillating as a visit to the nude beach with Nancy Reagan. I saw this post in Rob’s blog, followed it to the article, and read […]

Rats in the Attic

I have rats in my attic. That really, really, really, really, sucks. Why do I have rats in the attic? Because I went so long without an actual roof, that some rats decided to move in. The exterminator was here, and he’s set some traps which he hopes will work. However, my attic is so […]

Another Mac Story, of a sort….

Yes, I’m always going on about why PCs suck. It’s true. Or more accurately, at least PCs that are running Microsoft Windows. Sometimes I blog about people who switch away from the PC to the Mac — I am, after all, on a mission to convert the world one person at a time. Well here’s […]

In The Merde for Love

I recently read A Year in the Merde by Stephen Clarke — you may click on the link to see my review of that book. I ended up liking it quite a bit, so I ordered the sequel In The Merde For Love. The first book had this quote: “There are lots of French people […]

Superman Really Does Return

I finally got around to seeing Superman Returns. Better late than never, I suppose. I really didn’t want to see it because I thought the previews looked really sucky. Well you know what? The movie was good. It was a bit creepy seeing Marlon Brando in it since he was long dead when this was […]

So what is this “Emo Boy” thing?

Emo Boys: this term has come up a lot lately online, and I never heard it until very recently. So, being the inquisitive type, I’ve read a bit online at Wikipedia and also at the Urban Dictionary. I have a definition, but knowing what word means technically doesn’t always mean you really know what it […]

And what about the election

And, if it makes any difference, I was for the republican governorship candidate (Crist) this election. I don’t often support Republicans but sometimes you have to go for the right candidate and not the right party. Don’t ever let it be said, I’m so stubborn I won’t vote for the other team. And how is […]

Screw The Terrorists: Kill ’em all and let God sort it out

Another bad day — at least it was for normal people everywhere. It’s stories like this that make you think genocide isn’t the worst idea ever. How on earth can someone think blowing ten airplanes full of innocent people out of the sky is a smashing-good idea? What is the mind-set for that? How can […]