Another Day At The Races

Yesterday, I went to Estero, Florida to watch two ECHL teams play (Florida Everblades v Texas Wildcatters). I got my minor league hockey fix, had fun, and spent most of the day driving back and forth from Miami to Estero. I was for the Wildcatters and, happily, they won. Yay.

Today, I watched football all day. Not productive, but as a guy, sometimes it’s just what you do. I gave away my Dolphins tickets and watched on TV instead. They won and they are no longer winless. But that doesn’t mean they don’t suck. I then watched the Jets vs New England (in HDTV) which was an interesting game and I had very mixed feelings about it, to be honest. I despise New York sports teams (the Jets the most of all, followed by the Rangers, Yankees, Knicks, Giants, Mets, and so forth) with a passion. But I also don’t like the fact the Pats are on a 21-game winning streak. Ah well. Mixed feelings and sports.

Cal won yesterday and that pleases me to no end. I am hoping Cal makes it to the Rose Bowl. Roll on you Bears…. If you have to ask, the University of California Golden Bears. I am a fan of course, what with me being in the alumni association and all — proving they’ll let ANYONE in 🙂 In fact the whole top ten AP list won yesterday. The BCS still sucks so don’t get me started. UF lost which is good. Hah.

I ate dinner at Boston Market tonight. I thought about changing the visual part of the blog and decided it was too much work. Then I thought about adding “Ad Sense” to my website (Google Ads) but they wanted a street address and I don’t give that out to anyone. Instead, I added links to the few blogs I actually read. In doing so, I found Rob had actually put me in his blog and claimed I validated his existence. I got a huge kick out of it. One day, maybe, he’ll let me buy him a drink.

See? And you thought my blog was always going to have controversial or entertaining stuff. Today we’ve settled for the absolutely mundane.

— Eric
(And yes the RSS feed is working properly now for interested parties)

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