Michael Jackson’s comeback at the O2 has been extended to 50 shows (Nearly 20,000 a show or a 860,000 people) and completely sold out. It will be the biggest concert series ever and has set multiple world records. A brief article appears on the CBC here. Part of me almost wants to go just to be part of the event. I don’t hate his music, nor am I a huge fan though he’s got some really good songs. I’m particularly partial to Another Part of Me and Man in the Mirror. I’m not going, but I wouldn’t object: Karen and I have discussed this. He just creeps me out more than a little bit.

This is one of the most random images ever. If you click on the image, it’ll take you to my Flickr Page where you can read the comments and see a larger version of it. You can also read the story about how I came to take this photo earlier today.
(Post edited 3-20-09 to correct photo size)