US News and World Report released its annual “Best Public Universities in The Nation” list. Sitting right at the top in first position is, again, UC Berkeley.
Another organization has released its list of the best Universities in the world (public or private) and I’d like to tell you that Cal was at the top as it has been in the past. Sadly, we’ve slipped to number three behind Harvard and Stanford (eewww) but ahead of Cambridge. Poor Oxford has really slipped.
I had pizza just now — extra thin crust, extra cheese, light sauce, and ham (my preferred pizza). First time I’ve ever had Papa John’s. It’s indeed better than Domino’s by a longshot. It’s less greasy than Pizza Hut but the flavour’s similar, maybe a slight edge to PJ. Still nowhere near Mario The Baker (original location) though.
And, for the record, I still hate this cough.