Hong Kong Saturday

It’s another Saturday night and here I am in Hong Kong after a very long day. It started well with an awesome breakfast which was, this being Hong Kong, insanely overpriced. English style Eggs, Bacon, and Toast with coffee for around US$40.

Our first meeting was pretty much pointless for me, but it was Greg’s big meeting and I attended for the hell of it. After that the Maks came and took us to the Central Escalators a wonder of the modern world which is rather hard to describe.

We did a bit of shopping, sightseeing, and such before running back for a meeting we were highly anticipating. Sadly, it was a no-show and we weren’t happy. That left time for a bit more shopping though Greg was the big spender this trip and I didn’t really buy much. We ate dinner at the Union Café which was pretty good and relatively cheap with dinner for two with dessert coming in at around HK$605. In Hong Kong that’s a bargain.

I went to a local grocery store for fun and bought a Lime flavoured chocolate bar. It sounds rather interesting.

We walked around the mall a bit more and now I’m in the room to pack and go to bed before the long, gruelling flight home. We plan to take the airport express MTR line to the airport. Yay.

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