Category: Movies

How to Train Your Dragon

I wasn’t going to see this film. I thought the previews looked silly and the title made it seem uninteresting. The film needs a better name. The reviews were pretty good so ultimately, I decided I’d go see it. The Higgi, Mom, Timmy and went along with me. And with the aid of a shitload […]

Alice in Wonderland

We saw Alice in Wonderland Burtonland today. After hearing all the negative comments on the 3D aspect, we decided to go for 2D. Alice was originally shot in 2D and the 3D was added afterwards. When this isn’t done properly your eyes and your brain don’t communicate and you can get headaches and/or nausea — […]

Monster The Book Review. People From Texas

I like my pharmacist. I went to pick up my refill last night at Walgreens. He wrote me a note with a little happy face on it. I smiled. When was the last time your pharmacist made you smile? Yay Vinay! Everyone has a friend who’s gone off the deep end over the wrong sports […]

London Day Six (Cold Rain)

Today we got up and exchange our room keys. We’re moving from paid nights to free nights for the balance of the trip. Everyone here’s in a tizzy over VAT changing back because of the computer ramifications. They’re going to make the entire hotel check out 1-1 and check back in at the new rate. […]

The Fantastic Mister Fox is, well, Fantastic

Before I get to the review, I had referred a number of you to a Facebook Dislike button add-on. It’s been causing people lots of problems and has also started serving advertising. I had to remove it and the complaints are mounting. But, here’s another one that is more popular and seems to be more […]

Where The Wild Things Are: Spoiler Free Review

So, I finally went to bed around 630 or so this morning (see post from earlier today) and was up around 830am. Today was Karen day. We went to Einstein Bagels for breakfast and got what we deserved: shit on a plastic tray. We knew what to expect, we went anyway, we deserved it. First […]

Weekend In Review

Saw Mom and Grandma Saturday and had a nice visit and a huge breakfast at Mo’s. That was the start of the day and I was feeling okay then, relatively speaking. Afterwards, it was going to be “guys day out” but we ended up with Lizzie so our plans changed accordingly. We met up at […]

Movie and Book Review

I have a few days’ worth of updates. Saturday was a busy day. Woke up and after tending to some medical business, I worked my way over to Erin’s. We ate breakfast, walked around CompUSA and Borders before I totally ran out of gas. We went back to her place and watched Flash Gordon on […]

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: The Review

Ah, yes, Mister Potter. As has been traditional, I saw the latest Potter film with Jace and Grant. No reason to break that tradition as it’s always been a fun thing to do. First, I think I will go on record as saying this 2h 48m monstrosity is the best Potter yet. And I am […]

The Day From Hell

It started off okay. Woke up, had a cup of tea (Decaf Earl Grey) with loads of milk and sugar. I never drink tea in the states, and this is God’s way of punishing me for breaking with custom. Met everyone at OPH for breakfast (everyone: Three Higgi, Three Berners) and the food was fine […]