

This is a retro-post. I put this online 24 December 2005 using the date it was originally sent out. LORD OF THE RINGS: RETURN OF THE KING (REVIEW) You WILL be warned before spoilers. It’s OK to read the first bit. First, a word about spoilers: If you’ve read the book there are, by definition, […]

Elton John — Live at Royal Albert Hall

This is a retro-post. I put this online 24 December 2005 using the date it was originally sent out. I have just returned from London where I flew especially to see a special Gala Charity Concert at Royal Albert Hall. I obtained the tickets through not that long ago. When you factor in airfare, […]

I’ve Moved to Blogger Beta

I’m not sure how this will work, but I’ve decided to be proactive and beat the curve. Let’s see how well it works. Expect a new look really soon. Your patience with my learning curve is appreciated! It’s really frustrating so far. I’ve got to tell you. I’ve added an HR tag between posts until […]

Ding Dong, The Wicked Witch Is Dead (Rumsfeld)

Bush Says Rumsfeld Is Stepping Down By DAVID ESPO and LIZ SIDOTI (Associated Press Writers) November 08, 2006 1:25 PM EST WASHINGTON – President Bush said Wednesday Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld is stepping down and former CIA Director Robert Gates will take over at the Pentagon and in prosecuting the war in Iraq. Rumsfeld, […]

Republicans Realize They Have Heads Stuck Up Their Asses

Today’s Herald: “Republicans turned on one another Wednesday after losing control of power in Congress — blaming an out-of-touch, self-promoting party leadership for abandoning ethics and conservative principles and turning off the country.” Veteran conservative strategist Richard A. Viguerie was especially caustic. “Every single member of the Republican leadership in the House should be replaced. […]

Dear Abby and why the new one sucks

I have been reading Dear Abby since I was a kid. I don’t know why, but I have. Same reason I read Action Line, too. Habit I guess. I just have to say the “new” Abby (her daughter) just isn’t the same and isn’t as good. I think I’m finally going to give up the […]

Today’s Weather in Guangzhou is Brown with scattered muggings

In a previous blog entry on 10-12 about Guangzhou (aka Canton) “This is Greg’s big meeting and it’s a disaster. His vendor and the agent are lying through their teeth. Their stories change, their body language says anxiety, and they don’t come clean. I pass Greg several notes warning him it’s bad news on most […]

More on Friendships and such

This must be my favourite topic, because I’ve written about it often enough. Well here’s another rant of sorts: I despair for the future — not my future, but that of the world — because I find younger people can’t have intelligent conversations for the most part. They think they’re intelligent to be sure, but […]

Kris Medina and IMDB

Many of you here know my friend Thomas. We’ve been friends since we were in Boy Scouts together — way back in the late 70s and early 80s. I actually knew his brother Kris for a few weeks before I ended up meeting Thomas. I’ve always been in touch with Kris — most of my […]

Hong Kong & USA Sunday (End of Trip)

Sunday morning and I’m up with my 6am wake-up call (6pm Saturday back in the States) in Hong Kong after a very short sleep. Nice wakeup call — a real person who asks if you want a ring back in 15 minutes to be sure you’re awake. I like that. Yesterday’s breakfast was so smashing, […]