
Hong Kong Saturday

It’s another Saturday night and here I am in Hong Kong after a very long day. It started well with an awesome breakfast which was, this being Hong Kong, insanely overpriced. English style Eggs, Bacon, and Toast with coffee for around US$40. Our first meeting was pretty much pointless for me, but it was Greg’s […]

Macao/Hong Kong

I am now at the Four Seasons Hong Kong. Friday was packed — it’s about 650am Saturday as I finish this post. Woke up early, got out of bed, dragged a comb across my hair* — met the Maks for breakfast. A real buffet at any rate with lots of meat and stuff. Tasty stuff. […]

China/Macao — through Thurs PM

Here I am at the Wynn Macao where the internet isn’t censored. I can send e-mail, visit websites and be normal (as normal as I can be anyway). When we last left our intrepid traveller I had arrived at our hotel in Ningbo where my computer was under constant attack. The next day we had […]

China — through Wed AM

Let’s see. All about China from my hotel room at the NanYuan Hotel in Ningbo, China about 40 minutes south of Shanghai by air. It’s 805am Wednesday here so it’s 805pm Tuesday there. The flight from MIA to ORD was uneventful. Everything was on-time — something unusual for any flight I am on. The flight […]

Book of Horrible Questions

The actual link to the Book of Horrible Questions at Amazon which I discuss here: This book is not suitable for minors and contains graphic and sexually explicit material — though none is included in this post. This is from Book of Horrible Questions (ISBN 0-312-20434-5) by Smith and Doe. I highly recommend this book […]

A Briggs Redux

I have to report that Mr. Briggs himself wrote me a very contrite apology after he read my comments. It was a very honest and contrite apology of the best kind — no excuses. He asked me to call, and I did so. I am now satisfied. It doesn’t mean I am happy with what […]

A. Briggs Passport Service Really Sucks

Why A. Briggs Passport & Visa Expediters sucks the big, fat furry one. Use them at your own peril. On 18 September 2006, I sent two passports and two visa applications in via FedEx. They were signed for 19 September 2006. I was called on the 19th saying a form was missing. I dispute that […]

Foley, Hastert, and Fordham, Oh My!

In my last post Mark Foley IMs which is conveniently right below this one, I gave my two cents and although we’ve had a number of visitors, very few people have actually commented and those that have done so have resorted to email. I only have a little to add, but it’s becoming more and […]

Blue October and MySpace

As I have said previously, I have a My Space account if you care to look me up. But that isn’t the point of this post. I will agree with all of you that MySpace has many things to ridicule relentlessly until the horse dies from beating. However, as I said, some of the bands […]

Schadenfreude Part Trois (Airbus)

I had previously blogged this: More on Airbus Crashes: Schadenfreude and also in Schadenfreude and Airbus re-unite yet again — well I can never have too much of a good thing. And the spectacular failure of this aircraft, already delayed over a year looks to be as much as another year late. The report is […]