Tag: Friends

Who Dat? Geaux Saints! (Dedicated to Cary Alice Tews)

Who Dat? Geaux Saints! (Dedicated to Carey Alice Tews) First, congratulations for the New Orleans Saints on winning the Super Bowl. I wanted them to but didn’t expect them too. I’m glad because they deserve it, and dare I say are entitled to one. In spite of their mostly crappy defensive showing at the game. […]

Blu-Ray Phasers and Classic Advertising

Today is laundry day. And it’s also a football weekend. The Cowboys lost and that is an awesome thing because I hate them but on the other hand it was to Minnesota, who I used to like. Until they got Brett “Whiny Bitch” Farve, who I can’t stand. The Jets and Colts both won and […]

Let It Rain (London Day Five)

We met Jan and Anna at the Patisserie at about 830am for an English Breakfast. We enjoyed it and had a nice time. Thanks for picking up the tab, Jan! It was raining lightly as we headed to the tube station and down to the District line platforms for our ride to Westminster where we […]

20 – 12 = 7 (The New Math)

If you want to figure out that subject line, you’ll have to read all the way through to nearly the end. I’m going to start with Thursday when I went off to Grandma’s after work to meet her and Aunt Barbara for dinner. I rarely see Barbara (Grandma’s baby sister), so it was a rare […]

A long post with lots of stuff in it

I don’t even know where to begin because it’s been a very eventful two days since my last post. I guess I’ll start with the fact I went outside and notice there is a big screw in my tire, and I’ll have to deal with it tomorrow somehow. Of course it’s tomorrow: the same day […]


The English PennyEU Directive No. 456179 In order to meet the conditions for joining the Single European currency, all citizens of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland must be made aware that the phrase ‘Spending a Penny’ is not to be used after 31st December 2009.  From this date, the correct terminology […]

Hobbling About

Hobbling was the word of the day. Still not adjusted to the time. Up at absurd hour, and then sent Karen an email to let her know I was awake. We went to the cafe and had a vastly underwhelming breakfast. We went for a walk on her bad leg via Mandalay Place, Luxor, Excalibur, […]

What Happens In Vegas, Stays in Vegas — until you read this post

Flight got in last night on schedule and the luggage some 45 minutes later (typical for Vegas). All was in order. Cab line went quick, but asshole cab driver took us for serious ride. Very pissed. LAS to Mandalay Bay is a $10 cab ride at best and it was $20. I even said something. […]


First, a repeat of something from some time ago. If you’re a Mac user and running OS-X you may find the random need to run an OS-9 application. If you’re running Intel architecture instead of PPC architecture that is, technically, not possible (or PPC with an OS greater than 10.4). However, it can be done […]

Another Day, Another Dollar Less

First up, mom had sent me this URL which I just now got around to checking. It’s going to take you awhile to type everything in and you better have the label because you need proper spellings and dosages. However, what’s cool about it is that it compares any known interactions, what other users report, […]