Tag: Friends

Indiana Jones And The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Long day. Dad called early and woke me up asking if I could find him an earlier flight home. I gave this off to Karen. No dice for Dad. Last minute flights on Memorial Day are just a fantasy. Yes, I saw Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull today with The Higgi […]

Stuff I am currently thinking about….

I miss the Fab One-Shot. The best laundry product ever. I discovered it in college. Obviously invented by a guy. No need to think. One packet in with the clothes andit contained detergent, fabric softener, everything. Then move the whole batch to the dryer. All done. SCORE! The Aero bar. No longer available in the […]

In This Weekend’s News

I am disgusted with the Panthers. I am disgusted with the Panthers Management, for they are most of the reason I am disgusted with the Panthers. I won’t bore you gentle readers with such a diatribe here, but it’s posted over at my Panthers Hockey Message Board if you want to read it, though posting […]

Eight Cores of Bliss

I have on my desk a 3.2ghz dual quad core Xeon MacPro running Leopard* 10.5.1 with 2gb of RAM and a total of 2TB of hard drive space (around 1/2 full already, thanks) plus dual SuperDrives and Airport and Bluetooth. The switch has been painful as all hell. I didn’t realize I couldn’t boot back […]

Return of Wherefore art thou Eric J. Hedlund?

It’s been a busy week. Let’s see, I’m sick. I have a cold. My throat problem appears to be back, but I’ve been ignoring it for weeks — it’s pretty bad now so I’m off to the doctor tomorrow. Dad gets his one-year oncologists report tomorrow. Last night, I saw the Trans-Siberian Orchestra with Evan […]

Random Stuff

I had dinner last night with someone I hadn’t seen in about 20 years. I’m still trying to figure out the exact date. Randy Barris. I had a really great time. He came over around 515pm right after I got home from work — a good 30 minutes before I figured he’d get there — […]

Shout Out to Tom O’Drain

This is just so Tom knows I’m thinking of him. I’ve e-mailed him already. Tom’s mother is dying despite everything they’ve done. I’m not going to go into it here, but you can read his blog here: http://ducky72.livejournal.com/ Being involved with a parent with cancer is draining beyond all measure. As you know I’m there […]

Friend Test Analysis

In yesterday’s post I posted the “friend test” which is both amusing and revealing at the same time. A number of my friends have taken it as well as some people I don’t know quite as well. I assumed the better the friend, the better the score, but clearly this isn’t the case. Since I […]

Friend Test

I’ve created this test for my MySpace page, but it supposedly works in a blog, so I’ll try it here and see if anyone tries to take this test or not. I will pass no further commentary at this time.

More on Friendships and such

This must be my favourite topic, because I’ve written about it often enough. Well here’s another rant of sorts: I despair for the future — not my future, but that of the world — because I find younger people can’t have intelligent conversations for the most part. They think they’re intelligent to be sure, but […]