Hate mail is fun — even when it comes to your inbox on Facebook. The inbox, conveniently, has a report button. Which I used. I do want to thank Kenny Hill, the moronic author for giving me a good laugh and the lead topic for today’s blog post. That proves he’s a little better than a shit-stain on the road to progress. First, here it is in its entirety: (Sadly, the link is lost to posterity 12-4-22).
Kenny Hill has the IQ of a brick, and a pretty small brick at that. Kenny shows he’s an idiot because he reacted to the title of that infamous blog post and clearly didn’t read it. The very first line of that post says OK, that’s not true but it certainly got your attention. You’re here reading, aren’t you?
That leads me to make some amazing assumption about him here. We can conclude he’s got a double-digit IQ, a small penis, is a liar, and never made it through elementary school. And he clearly didn’t make it to the first sentence. It’s quite possible he can’t read because he certainly can’t spell. Kenny, when you’re going to flame someone, at least use spell check, okay? And don’t say you read the post when it is quite obvious that you didn’t. Kenny, I don’t like you and you raised my ire which as most people who have done so will tell you is a very bad thing. I’ve won and you’ll figure that out in a day or two. I’ve blocked Kenny and didn’t dignify his message with a reply. Have a nice life Kenny Hill– actually I prefer you don’t. Pick on someone your mental equal: try your local kindergarten. Oh, and you’ve got your own tag so when people look for Kenny Hill on Google, they’ll be able to read this post. Enjoy.
Next up is a fantastical spelling error collection all one menu courtesy of Annie Mole, who’s one of my favourite bloggers.
Annie runs the Going Underground blog. This awesome menu includes items such as Steack, Letuce, Peper, and Smocked Salmon. (I think maybe Kenny Hill wrote that menu.)
What? You want more grammar issues? Okay, since it’s Kenny Hill Day, we’ll continue to point out morons spotted in the wild. This one is courtesy of Office Max. I bought a new calculator for my office because sometimes it’s the fastest way to get a quick calculation. The insert speaks for itself. I wasn’t aware Kenny worked for Office Max, but apparently he does. Highlighted in red. There’s a phone number if you wish to complain. It’s not Kenny’s phone number, though I may do some research on that if he thinks contacting me again is a good idea….
I’ve often blogged about the 787 but have been silent as the project has imploded this year due to poor management. I am pleased to finally be able to report that today was first flight. The 787 took to the skies today for the first time and it went well. This article includes a video and a collection of photos. I hope Boeing didn’t ruin the 787 project with this delay. They’re playing catchup to Airbus, a position Boeing should never have been in.
Speaking of things that think — that doesn’t seem to include Kenny Hill — this article from the fine folks at IBM is quite interesting. IBM has produced a computer that mimics a cat’s brain (AI) and to do that, it they needed a machine with 147,456 processors and 144 terabytes of main memory. And remember, that doesn’t include life-support functions. This is why replicating a human’s brain is many years off. Unless it’s Kenny Hill’s brain. My understand is they can do that with an old Z80 processor. Kenny, just think how many people are reading this. Was it worth it? Ask yourself that.
I’m still toying with that ring from my previous post in the back of my mind. I found the ring on the left at Overstock.com (thanks Jace) but it’s just not quite the same as the one I previously mentioned which is the one on the right. That’s really the one I want, but at nearly $1000 I don’t think so. I found this one site online today that lets you design your own ring, and I can copy the ring above using gold and platinum combined with the titanium and two diamonds and a black diamond at around $1100 but that’s about $900 more than I want to spend. Ugh. (Some people have said the rings are lining up Top/Bottom instead of Left/Right — not sure why. Black is the ‘left’ ring and Silver is the ‘right’ ring.)
There’s been a lot of publicity about ATT and the iPhone and who’s at fault for the recent shitty service. The bottom line is that the phone is working fine in every country in which it’s being sold except one. The USA. That pretty much rules out the phone and points to the carrier. TAUW reports that FSJ is asking everyone to participate in Operation Chokehold: On Friday, December 18, at noon Pacific time (3pm Eastern), we will attempt to overwhelm the ATT data network and bring it to its knees. The goal is to have every iPhone user turn on a data intensive app and run that app for one solid hour … The idea is we’ll create a digital flash mob. We’re calling it Operation Chokehold. Join us and speak truth to power! I don’t have an iPhone but I hope those of you who do will participate. You deserve better.
Adweek Media, the icon of the advertising industry has given out its awards for the best advertising of the decade. In first place for Campaign of the Decade is Apple’s Get A Mac campaign that everyone took notice of. Even the PC people were amused, though Microsoft retaliated with a much lamer campaign. The best outdoor advertising (out-of-home in industry speak) of the decade was the legendary silhouetted iPod ad that became ubiquitous in record time. So congratulations to Apple for adding to the legend of awesome advertising. They also have 1984 under their belt, considered one of the best advertising spots ever created.
Moving on to holiday news you can use. Adam Sandler stopped being funny pretty much thirty seconds after The Waterboy vanished from theatres. He did record the Chanukah Song which is much loved by Jewish folks everywhere as well as Goyim the world ’round. Neil Diamond has re-recorded the song for his new Christmas Album, and I almost didn’t recommend it, but I did like the video. You will too.
Next we have a woman who received an ASBO for having noisy sex, was cited again and will be sentenced in court. Sunderland City Council told the court they had recorded noise levels of up to 47 decibels using equipment installed at Cartwright’s neighbour’s house. I have nothing to add to this, nothing I can say to make this any better than it already is. You have got to admire her for doing this every single day. She’s enjoying life. An ASBO for loud sex. I laughed.
Finally, because I think Kenny Hill might worry that I’ve forgotten him midway through the post. I assure you, sir, that I have not. And I’ve got one last salvo for today. I like trains. I can’t provide a link for this article because it’s a Usenet bit, but I shall post it here for your amusement:
From: John Band
Subject: Re: Liverpool Street’s open cesspit
Date: 15 December 2009 08:09:16 EST
On Dec 15, 11:55 am, Tristan Miller wrote:
I often take the train between Liverpool Street and Stratford and have noticed that at the former station the higher-numbered platforms reek of decaying human excrement. Apparently the tracks in question serve as an open cesspit for waste flushed from the train toilets.
This surprises me; surely in this day and age it is possible to build train toilets which either use septic tanks, or whose flush mechanisms can be disabled while the train is at a station. Are there no local or national laws or regulations concerning the construction of train toilets, and the dumping of human waste in indoor train stations? Perhaps the problem is purely cosmetic rather than a public health issue, but in that case couldn’t the station at the very least apply some deodoriser to the affected tracks? I have been in pit toilets which smelled better than those platforms.
There aren’t any specific regulations on the, erm, dumping. There are regulations on construction, which mean that all new trains with toilets for the last 20 years have retention toilets.
Unfortunately, the long-distance trains running out of Liverpool Street – loco-hauled mk3s and 317s – are 30 and 25 years old respectively, and hence discharge onto the track. When they expire, they’ll be replaced by trains which don’t.
Kenny, if you can’t figure out what that last post has to do with you, let me assist you by pointing out the word ‘cesspit’ and the phrase ‘human excrement’. Have a nice day 🙂