JD Salinger Buys an iPad. Not.

First, RIP to legendary author and recluse Jerome David Salinger who died today. In an AP story today humorist John Hodgman was quoted as saying, “I prefer to think JD Salinger has just decided to become extra reclusive.” Mr Salinger was most famous for introducing world to Holden Caulfield.

Next up, a quick nod to all my Lost fan friends who will appreciate this link that I got from Sue. It pretty much sums up all of our questions. Not only is it done to the tune of Petula Clarke’s Downtown making it very catchy, but it’s very cleverly done. The complete lyrics can be seen in the “more info” section of the video’s description. I love Lost and am excited about its return.

I have been listening to music today. First Monkey: Journey Into The West which was done by the same people as Gorillaz. I still want to see the play in spite of the fact I cannot say I enjoyed the music thoroughly. It was a like a watered-down Cirque production. I am now in the middle of TSO’s overwrought Night Castle which I am enjoying a lot more, though it’s very uneven. After such a long wait, I expected more. Then again so did people who bought Guns-N-Roses Chinese Democracy. This very well could be my favourite album of theirs. After a second listen, I’ll know for sure.

I have no new news on the Nucor front but had to share a link to this post about a prospective Nucor job-seeker. It’s all to be taken with a grain of salt but this quote stood out “It’s a stressful, fast-paced, and dangerous culture driven by greed more than anything else, so be careful if you do get on.”

The buzz about iPad iTampon continues to be mixed and the buzz about the name continues to be universally derisive. However, there’s a new survey that portends ill for Apple. You can have a great name and make a lacklustre product do well. You can have a poor name and a great product break free. But can you have a horrible name and an average product and expect to do well? Not likely. Before you click on the link keep in mind that this site is populated almost entirely by Apple’s most loyal and faithful customers: people who are predisposed to by the iPad. Only 54% said they would be getting the iSlate, er, iTablet, er iPad with a full 46% giving a flat-out no answer. This might be an Apple failure in the making, like the Apple TV which has yet to penetrate any market in any noticeable way.

And for my friends with a fascination for all sports Canadian from hockey to curling and the CFL, here’s an official Canadian government website with a collection of links.

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*Fixed punctuation, spelling, and syntax.

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