

Let’s discuss being shy today. The definition from Wiktionary is: to avoid due to timidness or caution which will do for our purposes of discussion. I think shyness is by definition a very personal issue — at least it is for me. There are many types of shyness, but there is a common denominator: preservation […]

15 Year Microsoft Vet defects

Good bye Microsoft; Pete Wright has now left the building! Yep, Pete Wright, a long time Microsoft pundit and evangelist has, yes, DEFECTED! Hail! Hail! Read his blog entry (as linked above), for the whole story about why a 15-year veteran of Windows has bolted to the Mac as of yesterday. He says, “My Microsoft […]

Randomness Part Deux

All sorts of things running around my brain today. Scooter’s sick. Not sure what. She was at the vet today and we make a return trip a week from today. She’s dehydrated even though she’s drinking.A full battery of tests have been ordered. The real problem — and what I brought her in for — […]

Little Miss Sunshine (Review)

I finally saw Little Miss Sunshine today. I was interested in seeing it and I was also not interested in seeing it. It’s one of those movies you see reviews about that could cause it to go either way. But the people I know who saw it, really liked it. I am pleased to report […]

Kilimanjaro and the Fletchers

Categories Friends What did you do this summer? Well Austri and her mother did something very few people did. They climbed to the summit Mount Kilimanjaro. She’s my age (41) and her mother is 72 and has a new knee. This is an amazingly inspiring story considering what they did to make this trip happen. […]

Health Alert: Acid Reflux, Aciphex, Nexium, and Vocal Cords

Five weeks ago I reported about my health problems and the lesion found on my vocal chords — we named him Fred in the previous post. Just in case some of you actually give a flying fuck, I have an update. Fred was supposed to be entirely gone now. Then I’d be happy and tell […]

Billy Elliot Comes to America

In another post, I reviewed the play Billy Elliot (London) which has been widely regarded as the best British Musical Ever. Well, it’s finally coming to the United States. As much as I personally loved this play, I’m not sure it’s a good thing. I understood the play, I was able to understand the language […]

Naked Teens On Parade (Solved)

Previously in the Quagmire I discussed Naked Teens On Parade which didn’t generate a lot of traffic. Yet here I am motivated to post a follow up story. Apparently, and I think it’s a good decision, the tiny town has decided to let nature be in charge. If the kids want to be naked, the […]

My Space

Um, yeah, okay. I have a MySpace page . The direct URL is I made this page because my friend Maury invited me to do it. I’ve made a little profile which is far less cluttered and offensive than most. So, I’ll probably leave my account there — though I doubt it’ll get much […]

Firefox Fan Ruins Microsoft’s Day

Any bad day for Microsoft is a good day for me. The worse the day they have, the better my day. I hate ’em — and not just ’cause Windoze sucks more than a high-priced hooker. My dislike for Microsoft started before Windows*, I believe. So some fan of Firefox knew Internet Explorer 7 was […]