
Chronicles of Vladimir Tod: Tenth Grade Bleeds

I bought and read the third tome in this excellent series today. Each book is better than the one before it and this book makes author Heather Brewer three for three. The new book has my least favourite cover but it’s the best of the three, so I’ll forgive the irritatingly pouty cover. We have […]

More on Airbus Crashes: Schadenfreude

In a previous blog entry (Airbus Crashes — Boeing Soars) I made fun of Airbus. That’s always good sport. I now have a follow up to the above post. It’s gotten worse for Airbus. Much, much, much worse. I direct my reader(s) to to read the latest. BAE is bailing on Airbus, the French […]

Airbus Crashes — Boeing Soars <– Okay, there’s the link. Read it first. As I said to everyone who would listen, the A-380 may be an engineering masterpiece, but it’s not what people want. And, Airbus, as always, made promises it just couldn’t deliver on in order to try and show up Boeing. Boeing on the other hand, came […]

Do it yourself medical procedures

This is a medical product and guys will squirm horribly. However, there is nothing here that isn’t work safe so share the love. It’s just fucking evil if you want my opinion. I thought it was a joke at first when Razzie sent me this, but that’s a real product. Some things you should not […]

Market Boy (Play Review)

Market Boy, a play by David Elridge was at the National Theatre in London. It was advertised as a comedy about losing your innocence whilst selling shoes in the market set to a 1980s soundtrack. The soundtrack was the best part. Although I liked it, it started out okay and never got any better, and […]

Avenue “Q” The Review (1-June-06) London Premiere

I finally got the chance to see Avenue Q whilst attending the National Hardware Show in Las Vegas, but that version is a 90-minute edited version (see link at bottom of review). While in London this past week I had noticed the London premiere of Avenue Q was on 6-1-06 and I managed to get […]

When Bill Met Steve (A Computer Love Story)

Right, this isn’t a love story. I’ve misled you. Sue me. But this is about Bill Gates and Steve Jobs of Microsoft and Apple Computer respectively and the first time they shared the stage together in over two decades. It was a relatively pleasant meeting in which they both praised each other, joked around, and […]

Marry Poppins (Play Review)

We saw Mary Poppins at the Prince Edward Theatre in London, 29 May 2006. If you like the movie, you will like this play. If you love the movie, you will like this play. If you hate the movie, you will absolutely despise this play with a passion. In true Disney fashion, they’ve taken the […]

Eric Rambles About Keywords and Revenue Stream

My rather old and dated blog entry Crazy Frog or Coldplay?continues to draw thousands of visitors a week to my site. It’s given me over 70,000 hits to my blog — nearly 16% by keyword. Here are my historical most popular keywords as reported by Extreme Tracking as of today: 1817 8.03% crazy 1788 7.90% […]

ACLU Launches Nationwide Action Against NSA Snooping on Americans’ Phone Calls

Don’t Spy On Me is the message from the ACLU. Follow this link, read the article, and then click the big telephone icon and add your name to the list of pissed-off people who don’t think our government should be spying on us. It’s illegal, yes, but more importantly it’s immoral. Frankly, my phone conversations […]