Tag: Florida Panthers

First the public post…

I’d like to ridicule the Florida Panthers first. They have a Facebook account and their crack team of people typed “If your one of the winners – email us with your contact details and ….” Your? Indeed. I’m sure they meant you’re (you are) but apparently, they don’t hire educated interns to run things. They […]

Dental Hell and the Death of a Florida Panther

Today was the first of several dental visits I will have as the result of my accident. Today’s work involved the upper right side of my mouth and was unrelated to the accident. But we got that one out of the way because it was easy. I begged him to do two teeth per visit, […]

A Meeting with Michael Yormark

had the long awaited and thrice postponed meeting with Michael Yormark, COO at the Panthers. I had all sorts of expectations about who he was and how he might act based on my previous interactions with him, what I’ve read, and what I’ve heard about him. This morning I got a call at the office […]

A long Diatribe and some updates

First, I must say, the Panthers are sucking so bad, it’s embarrassing. They are a train wreck. How bad is it? Legendary fan and media-whore VanMurph finally thew a fit over it and has jumped in with the rest of us who are saying what the fuck is wrong with this team? You know, many […]

Technorati Suckitude

Technorati is pissing me off. Normally I get a fair amount of traffic from them. However, for two weeks now it’s been not updating my blog posts to their database. That means people who access this blog via Technorati are seeing “last update 14 days ago” — and I’ve been trying to get in touch […]

Panther Fan Flashes Camera

A lot of people are hitting my blog looking for the above phrase. I am not sure why it’s matching because until I wrote this, there’s nothing related to it on my blog. However, the unofficial message board does have a thread on it. The official message board, apparently, thinks discussing fan behaviour and flashing […]

A Meeting with Johnson, Martin, and Bettman

attended a small ‘conference’ with Chad Johnson (Senior VP sales & Marketing of the NHL Florida Panthers), Jacques Martin (the GM of the NHL Florida Panthers), and Gary Bettman (Commissioner of the NHL) before tonight’s game. It was an invitation only event and about 150 or so people were there. I did not take notes, […]

O2 Venue Review (versus BankAtlantic Center)

Alright, this one’s for my Panther Message Board friends. In a previous post, I mentioned that The O2 venue was awesome. The O2 was formerly the Millennium Dome, which was a much-maligned tourist attraction, though I must say I rather enjoyed the Dome as did everyone I know who visited. The problem was the locals […]

A Meeting With Alan Cohen, Owner of the Florida Panthers

The Florida Panthers invited a number of season ticket holders to attend their first (and hopefully not their last) meeting with the team owner, Alan Cohen. Or, as I now call it, Bitch at Cohen Fest. Absolutely no recording devices were allowed nor were any media allowed. The sole recording was by the official Panthers […]

In This Weekend’s News

I am disgusted with the Panthers. I am disgusted with the Panthers Management, for they are most of the reason I am disgusted with the Panthers. I won’t bore you gentle readers with such a diatribe here, but it’s posted over at my Panthers Hockey Message Board if you want to read it, though posting […]