Tag: Lawyer

US Supreme Court and Sports (Post 1 of 2)

This is a sports related post. If you’re not into sports, this entry will be of no interest to you. I will make a separate entry with my non-sports topic. As most of you American readers know, a huge battle is about to be waged in the US Supreme Court. It’s a very small item. […]

The Return of Alan Price — and more on Kenny

For those of you who wanted to find Kenny Hill, I only remember his icon was ‘red’ and he was from Detroit, Michigan. He’s blocked so I can’t see him. But it’s “Kenny Hill” if you want to look him up. Yo! Kenny! Speak up, I’m sure you’d like to share your side of the […]

Why am I up at 348am?

OK, it’s 452am as I start this post, because beforehand I checked my credit card receipts against my statements,  made a post over at the Panthers Hockey Message Boards,   filed my medical receipts for the week,  had a drink of water (twice 4x),  turned on the TV looking for something and found the last […]

More Identity Theft Stuff — Personal Not Corporate

I am about to be sued. I got a call from Mr Trinidad at Wagner & Hunt, P.A, a collections attorney in Margate. After a very bad start — can you imagine any other kind? — I come to find out I have supposedly co-signed for an American Express card with someone who owes Amex […]

Corporate Identity Theft Continues

There’s so much more now. This morning at 850am I received a call from Kathy at the AT&T Fraud department who said our lines were still being forwarded (which didn’t seem right because I can call myself and it rings at the office). She refused to call to fix it, saying that she wasn’t authorized. […]

Settling Back In and Settling the Accident Claim

I am settling back in after my long weekend with Mom. Fatigue. Blech. Seems a number of you are jealous based on emails and comments that appear on my Facebook feed. Cool. I’m glad you’re jealous. I will remind everyone that I am the best tour guide you know for both London and Las Vegas. […]

Fun With Spammers

I got fed up today with one particular spammer who just wouldn’t leave me alone (work). Three to four emails per day from a few domains. I got mean, aggressive, and nasty after a few reasonable attempts to stop it. I did research and found the perpetrator. I sent off this email: From: Eric A. […]

Some Thoughts

The Beatles’ song is still in my head, “Beep, beep, yeah!” for reasons I shan’t share, but will continue to tease you all with. It occurred to me today that many of you enjoy my political postings, though maybe you don’t agree.   I gave money to the Obama campaign recently. As some polls show […]